Well, today came to an abrupt halt. Found a bee hive in a crispy dead oak. No sign earlier even during the ascent. I ran a pol saw right below it clearing some limbs. Cut above it tied in and pretty much standing on it. 3 cut on the hollow branch they were using for a way in woke them up. Obviously not very aggressive. I hung there next to the hive to see if they were going to settle down. I could look right in the hive to the comb.
Not one sting. But they would get more active when I moved on my rope or gaffed the tree.
They did NOT like my new Tuefelberger 12 mm rigging rope or the Blue Moon.

I came down and they could probably feel the rope running on the trunk and branch above them. Pissed them off I guess.
Let them settle down a bit while I called the HO at his work and a local bee keeper that is a customer of mine.
Tried to go up the back leader of the tree and work away from them and then they were all over me... Still no sting, but they were getting more aggressive. So I bailed. Stopped at the HOs work and gave him the low down. Stopped at the hardware store and got some screen,
I'll go back tonight and secure a screen over the hive. Then we will rig out the tree tomorrow along with the log the nest is in.
First one I have had to do, so it should be fun. No call back yet from the bee keeper. I'll call another tonight as well.
The dude I called first was my first choice as he climbs as well and could be up in the tree with me helping if necessary. Oh well. So long as I can deliver a log to some one.