How'd it go today?

My buddy wants me to remove some bees from the walls of his house. Kind of a nasty job. Hate to just kill them.

The bee catcher around here has fashioned a Gatorade type bottle for a shopvac hose into a hole with screen in the bottom of the bottle. suck them up and cap it. He sells them to biomed people, and doesn't charge the HO if they can be sold, so it must work okay.
Nice save, John. Repost those last 2 pics when u get a chance.
No, but sometimes when I feel them and there is no damage, it doesn't mean that the area where they are centered isn't getting demolished. Man's creations are merely toothpicks in the face of these things. They say that the skyscrapers in Tokyo will make it through a large one, but you might die of a heart attack even if the building remains. One day a big one there is going to come.

Actually, I think my net connection got rattled.
The original log pic with bees . 1600. Set it on dolly , cut upper have off, quickly sealed those cuts with screen. No one was stung. Got lit up reuniting both haves yesterday....
I had a honey bee in my truck yesterday. I don't typically kill them but I don't typically ride with bees flying around my face. He died.