How'd it go today?

Those don't look ghey at all.


I wonder if they have a matching codpiece?
Bid three jobs, got two, don't want the other and came home and took a long nap. The kid woke me up in spanish. I am now booked through the first week in October.
Just started this medication I have to take for four months, not for anything too serious, but I have to take it. Anyway, the doc said I can't drink while on the meds so It's four months forced sobriety. I decided I'm going to take it as a positive and try and eat healthy and excercise....

Being single for the first time in a year and a half, 100% sobriety might not be the best thing right now, but what can you do :)

I think you're doing the right thing. Alcohol doesn't mix well with heavy amounts of estrogen. Later, after "the change" you'll be happy you abstained.
You anarchist you. I bought a set of 20 plus five extra teeth, pockets and bolt for just under $400. If I remember correctly this machine had greenteeth on it before it was sold. I'll let everyone know how it works next week.

yes darin thats what herman ran on that machine and his new one
I'm fixin to go take my mom's tracker apart.Don't you guys just love tranny trouble.It's either the clutch or the pressure plate.
Yesterday I removed 4 mystery trees from a back yard. Everything went well, while the guys were cleaning up I went home for the stump grinder and when I was driving it in I noticed some cracks on my dump trailer frame. I'm lucky some really bad didn't happen. I put some chains and binders on it to help me get home and now I can weld them up and stregenthen them.
outside fish plating is in order on that crack!!

make sure you grind out those cracks and weld them before you fish plate.
Those look like they might be caused by twisting across the frame.

Check the crossmembers too. All to often the body is used as a crossmember in the structure of the trailer (when it is down) so when it dumps it twists the trailer up.

Beef the crossmembers up or gusset them if nedded.
Glad you caught that Steve. It pays to pay attention to your equipment on a regular basis. I know so many who never look at their trucks or trailers until they are broken.

I just got back a little while ago from a small job in Ocala (85 miles away). A friend of mine buys and sells houses and owns a house with interstate frontage. 6 months ago I hung a banner in a tree by the interstate, but one corner tore after about a month and the last digit of his phone number wasn't visible. So my job today was to replace the banner with a larger banner which was mounted on a PVC frame.

Here's all the pictures I got before the battery in my camera died. I tried to get one final shot from the interstate but couldn't coax the camera to give me one more picture. The first two pics were the recon mission, last few are the new banner securely anchored in the hickory tree.
Thats getting your name out there quick. 10,000 views a hour @ 24 a day @ 7 days a week. Cut half moons ever 8 inches or so to allow air to pass thru.
Steve, Nasty cracks! I am convinced that welding is a needed skill for tree work just fro equipment maintenance-It you can't do it yourself a reliable welding service needs to be among one's "assets".
Yeah, if you can't do it your self you need a little network of support. A mechanic, hydraulic place, saw shop of course, chipper blade sharpening, and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now.
Thats getting your name out there quick. 10,000 views a hour @ 24 a day @ 7 days a week. Cut half moons ever 8 inches or so to allow air to pass thru.

looks a little high for headlights to hit it, and since its not lit on its own (I assume) you might want to rethink the hours a day that sign is visible.

otherwise, cool Skwerl. good use of a Sunday
Me and my dad got my mom's car fixed on of the springs in the pressure plate gave thank God it didn't make grooves in the flywheel and while we were at it we installed a new clutch pad.
I finnished my fence 335 more feet done the sheep and goats like and my wife likes it(she does not have to live inside it)