How'd it go today?

Nice work ! I wanted to do something like that on the vaulted ceiling on the home addition but with trim not beams .Mrs. Smith protested saving me a lot of work .
More pine slaying today, had BOTS up for some mondo Pondos... Birthday boy BOTS laying the big ones down! 51 years young, happy b day brother!
Kicked a 70' hemlock and a 40' red maple between two lake house today. Houses were like 15 feet apart. I thought it might be a headache but I had a god nights sleep last night and was feeling froggy. Had both knocked in 2.5 hours and 2 hours of clean up. A lot of the hemlock limbs that were long and heavy I just clove hitched 2 or 3 then tied of the 4th with a RB. Slice, slice, slice, slice and watch them get lowered right on down. Beats cutting and chucking and wearing out my body. Not a bad day. Was home mid afternoon and and made excellent money.
I burned up a saw today. A 460, modded, haven't tore it down yet. Major bummer. I'd recently replaced the tank on it and figure I musta screwed something up. I could tell it wasn't running right. It died under full throttle and load while buried in a fir log and now has no compression.
Bad break, Squish. Must be the 460 that you have mentioned before as being a very good saw. I'd be interested in what you find after disassembly. Broken ring?
Almost forgot. Found the weirdest thing I've ever found in a tree. A freaking lizard. Looks like a dinosaur. It's huge like an iguana or something. Gotta be over two feet tail to nose and big ass claws. I haven't figured how to post pics recently. The free tapatalk needs me to register or something that I'll have to look into I guess.

The lizard was 40' up on a branch half skelitized. It's in my shop now.
I burned up a saw today. A 460, modded, haven't tore it down yet. Major bummer. I'd recently replaced the tank on it and figure I musta screwed something up. I could tell it wasn't running right. It died under full throttle and load while buried in a fir log and now has no compression.

Cooked a set of rings once like that. Carb did a funky monkey, and phfffffffft. Only cost me a set of rings that time. And some time. One can hope for the best
I've been saying that Squish needs another trip to Mehico.

I would concur. A holiday is overdue.

I'm overwhelmed lately the demand this time of year is crazy. And I'm growing weary of explaining to people why we don't top trees. I'm booked out a crazy amount and for sure turning away way more work than I do.
Good heavens Toms boys brought out another load of white oak from those three trees plus one to his house making it 6 at approx 2.5-3 cords a load .White oak will fetch 150 plus any day all day for firewood in these parts .
We will start cutting again soon. We do the dropping and bucking and our friends split and haul. The wood we get is used for sweat lodges, and to heat a couple of homes.

I try to avoid the woods during the summer months. Ticks and chiggers are terrible here.......sure makes working in the shop with the AC nice.
Thanks guys! That was not an easy test. Not impossible, but not easy. It seemed like there were two obviously wrong, and two obviously right answers to most of the questions. I got an 85% overall, which I'm happy with. 100% on risk assessment. 80's and 90's on the rest. Nomenclature hurt me, but I knew I was in trouble there.