How'd it go today?

Later on today I'm going with my wifes cousin to get a truck or two full of wood for him .He has a hell of a time it seems .Never seems to lay in enough for the winter plus it takes him forever .

With me cutting I can still even as old as I am fill a 3/4 ton truck in less than an hour .It isn't so much I'm tough as a nail more so I have faster saws than back in the day .;)
Say I did learn something I did not know .The black locust is one of the more rot resistant woods there is .However the Honey locust is not so much so .

Using from a 5 cord stack I had cut several years ago,maybe 6 I noticed in that mixture of both honey and pin oak the locust seemed like as a feather .Evidently then laying out in the elements it is beginning to deteriate .It will be mostly gone by spring but I'll not make that mistake again of not using it up in a timely manner .
Sapwood from Black locust has no resistance, hence the short life of branches.
We import a lot of fence posts from Hungary where they have planted LOTS of Black Locust.
Oh it has enough heat but if I recall correctly black locust would coal up and this honey locust just burns to powder .It's been years since I burned either one .

Tom dropped off the whole mess of pin oak and honey locust some years back .Fattest of either I had ever seen .Pieces of both a tad over 4 feet in diameter .Pot lickers were so heavy I had to bust them in 4 pieces with a sledge and wedge before I could get them in the splitter .
Black Oak is like that Al... Burns nice, but to a fine ash.. not much left...

Today was a good day.. Started out up the street with a grove of beetle infested dying pines. Climbed two 75 footers, barber poled and topped them due to close canopy and tight LZ next to a pond. Set the pull lines in them and let Rob take care of it from there. He felled the spars and 4 more, bucked to fire wood and brushed them out. Staged the wood and brush for burn 100 feet out. Only a couple more to take down and bill it out.
Left that job site and drove out to the next small town, 6 hour prune on a blue oak. My gawd the mess that came out of it. HO's groundied for me. I am whooped.... Oh and guyed a white pine while I was there last minute.
Good Morning from West Palm Beach Fl! We are here watching drag racing, cars going 324 miles an hour and you can watch from less than a foot away. Dangerous? Yes but so freaking cool.

Brain, you should come tonight. Tack opens at 4. Some of the pit guys from Cruz Pedregon's crew are staying at the same flea bag motel we are staying at. I got John Force's signature on a Traxxis car I got John for Christmas, he signed the box and the chassie. Fun stuff I'm telling ya!