Got that 066 apart yesterday and tinkered with it. I felt pretty silly finding the plug loose when I thought I had lost the rings. Oh well. Slapped a new dual port muffler on her and got ready to clean her up some and fix the carb. It was pretty gunked up inside. I got on the phone first thing this morning to check on the part at the local place or have them order it. Now of course, being an older 066, their IPL did not show that carb, nor did they take the initutive to check the Walbro listing to see what they needed. I was having computer issues and was waiting on their call for a bit. When they called, the owner told me he had a K10 kit that his computer told him it should be. I told him I would call him back, because he was pretty sure I was not right on my number off the carb :roll: I get on my computer and hit the Walbro site and one other, find the carb (listed for the 066 BTW and husky 394(?)) and get teh number off an IPL for that carb for the K15 kit. Call him back, he has one, picked it up today for my next rainy day to play with. Gawd I should know better than to just call them with out just getting the P/N off the IPL myself. :roll:
Oh well.. tad late for work, but hey, it'll will all get done.
Tired as all hell from working 5 hours on almost a 2-1 slope thinning and burning over a pretty little creek. Think I am going to bed earlier tonight.