How'd it go today?

12". I never could afford anything... Until I bought a mini. Now I've sold my 13 month old 340 (254 hours currently) and have bought a 540.

Life is funny like that.
Carl I've been seriously thinking about the upgrade to a Gehl. Any tips? 2post or 4? Do they use a skid size attachment or is it the mini?
I'd buy one in a minute if I could afford it, but I don't have enough clean up jobs to warrant it right now. Not to mention, 'twould seem silly having a machine that could load my 16' trailer in two grabs. I'll wait until work warrants a 20' dump trailer as well...then I might reconsider. (Oh, and then I'd have to have something to pull the trailer with....):(

What mini are you running now?

I'm looking to upgrade minis. An articulating loader would not fit into my setup.

I'm not sure what brand minis are good right now. I liked the boxer 427 specs.
Over twice the operating capacity and tip capacity.

I'd like to stay with wheels too.

Not to dispute you, but twice the capacity? I'm looking at Dave's website right now, and it shows the 427W with 875 pounds of operating capacity. I've lifted over 1000# (lifted only, not carried mind you), with one of my Ramrods, and they are practical twins to the Thomas, or so they seem to me. The Ramrod is supposed to have a 900# operating capacity.
Bren I am running an 05 Boxer 427 wheeled unit. It is rated at around 900 but I have definitely had over a thousand up and moving with both the forks and my BMG.
Bud I highly recommend the Gehl 340 for tree work. It's 51" wide, 1800lb rated capacity, uses full size skid steer attachments. It weighs 5400lbs according to specs.

I get the 2 post to fit under eaves, trees, etc.

The 140 uses the small universal skid steer attachment, which are the inside holes on a full size's attachment's plate. Not the mini attachment plate.

I am getting the 540 because I'm doing more dirt work and dirt is heavy. The 540 is 54-55" wide and weighs 7400 or 8400 according to specs (fluid filled rear tires apparently add 1klbs). Lift capacity is 2500lbs.

I'll know better after I get the 540 how suitable it is for tree work, ie if I notice downsides compared to the 340.

Scott, I'm pretty the 427 could lift the Thomas. Ramrod inflates their specs dramatically compared to SAE guidelines for rating such things. The rated capacity of the Thomas is around 500lbs.
Bren I am running an 05 Boxer 427 wheeled unit. It is rated at around 900 but I have definitely had over a thousand up and moving with both the forks and my BMG.

You can lift and carry 1000# with forks or BMG? I can move/load 1000#, but it takes some doing, and often the rear tires are off the ground.

How do you like the controls? Carl doesn't care for them, but I've never even laid eyes on a boxer. The only controls I'm familiar with are Thomas and Ramrod. And though the machines look like twins, Thomas definitely has the Rammy beat with that joystick.
Haha Boxer controls suck, but their capacity is awesome compared to a Thomas.

It wouldn't be impossible to put Thomas style controls in a Boxer, which is what I would do no doubt.
Got on the processor this morning, put up a few cords and snapped the harvestor chain. Replaced it and snapped a sprocket in the log carriage system. Only a $15 dollar mishap, but enough to halt me for a few days. With the amount of wood waiting at the processor to go through, I should have a fair winter.
Any mini I get will have to get the valves changed to compete with the Thomas controls. The two others I've ran are Ramrod and Toro and the controls sucked.
Vermeer isn't terrible, but Thomas has them beat.

Another point on the Gehl, it has the best control layout I've seen. Controls are very important to me.

On the Gehl you have the steering wheel, brake/inching pedal, engine/travel pedal, then the joystick. On the joystick you have the loader functions, aux hydro functions, forward/neutral/reverse, diff locks, and high/low range.
Love the controls on the Thomas, I've ran Boxer and Toro and the Thomas has them beat. Hated the Toro most of all.

Looking forward to getting the AL340 up here and put to work to see what we can really do with it. The Thomas has improved our operation so much, will be exciting to see how much the AL340 will step our operation up. Just being able to load the two trucks and the trailer with ease will be a huge step up from the Thomas!
The mini is like 3 guys in one and doesn't get tired.

Carl, if you get rid of the 540 as quickly as you did the 340, let me know. You might as well just get a Cat 988. :)
I may have planted the idea in Carl's head to sell me the 340 haha.

And yeah man, a mini will change everything. Idk how we lived without one for so long. Begged Dad for years to get one, just went and bought my own eventually instead lol. It'll pay for itself within a year, easy. The labor it saves is mind blowing. Like this Pine removal we just did, can't drive the trucks to it on the lawn, one hell of a long walk to it, the mini saved us a good 2 hours of humping brush and rounds back to the truck in this miserable heat. Crazy how much work you get done with one.
Haha I bought the 340 knowing I would sell it. I'll likely get a new Gehl in the next year as well. ;)

My next big equipment purchase will hopefully be an excavator.

If a couple folks are interested, I can check on the feasibility of getting Thomas style controls in a Boxer.