How'd it go today?

Meh, I get it, want to come and say the baby wont sleep, it's rattling the windows etc., whatever, I'm cool with that. But start whining at 8pm on a Friday, just to whine, and certainly after you bought a damn drum set that I've had to listen to all afternoon! Yeah, the gloves are off!
See, that just makes me angrier! Ask me to turn it down, I'm good with that. Call the cops because you are a chicken shit, meh, game on! Really, I'm not hard to get along with, I do play my music loud, and I do do it a bit too often and too late at times. But if you ask I'm pretty easy and willing to work with you. Act like a douche, well, as there is no noise ordnance here, and I know this and the cops can threaten me all night long with disorderly conduct (as they have in the past) on my own property, and I and they both know that wont stick, it's a moot point to fight me that way!
Just ask and don't be a dick about it! Is that too much to ask?
And when you send me a shitty nasty text like I got tonight, from a "buddy" that I've known over 15 years, and knew what he was moving into when I hooked him up with this house four years ago. The gloves are off!
I think that's what pisses me off the most about this, I've gotten nasty texts from his wife, she's a bitch and I get it, but I sure didn't see him sending this one tonight!
I know, I need my section of land with ten foot chain link and Constantine wire on top of it! Come in, but I can't guarantee you'll leave! I know, it sounds good but will never work either!
Wrecked a monstrous (for the species) scouler's willow today...chipped all the wood under 8-10" as it's we made 17 yards of chips....good thing we have a chipper winch...we were just two as Pat didn't dare drive after tipping a few--blow and go =no go.....and did some view work on a gorgeous red cedar.....ran over the Power Pruner saw on a stick, but straightened it......phew.....customer's giving me an extra 100 and all I'm happy..underbid is better than no work. No complaints about netting $800 for 6 hours...and she took the chips...and job was 2 miles from home.

Working tomorrow--an easy cedar wreck plus other easy stuff, but have to detour around Lake
Washington as the floating bridge is closed all's undergoing rebuilding-a multi-year ~$2 billion project

Wish I were getting action like this tonite:
Andy, maybe this could all be avoided. If you admittedly play music too loud, too late, and too often, why not just be a little more courteous? That avoids them asking in a nice way, or texting you in a nasty way.
Andy, what gives you the right to decide what everybody else has to listen to? You already admitted you have an eclectic taste in music, so there's a good chance that your choices aren't the same as your neighbor's. IMO I get pissed at anybody who forces their choices upon me when I'm in my own home. If you want to blast your eardrums then put on the damn headphones, but invading your neighbor's houses with your music is offensive and I'd want to kick your ass for it as well.

I have a neighbor that used to stop his car in the street and walk up to his buddy's garage, leaving the car running with the door open and his stereo blasting. The bass would shake the foundation of my house under my feet. That asshole finally moved, this ain't the damn ghetto. If I want to relax in peace and quiet in my own home then it's not your right to take that away just because you're drunk and want to blast your damn stereo. Have a little respect for others once in a while.

Sorry, but the blasting stereo is a sore spot with me and I will NEVER defend your right to be offensive.
Carl and I finished up the "tree of heaven" job yesterday. Two co-doms and four singles, for a total of 8 spars. I don't care if I never have to deal with another one! Not too bad, overall, but the "historic" building beneath, along with many dogwoods we were trying to preserve, and some boxwoods planted back in the 1800s...suffice it to say it was interesting. And thanks for the heads-up on the wood being brittle, you guys. It definitely isn't fun to work with!
Here ya go.:lol:

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One day when I figure out how, I'm going to link my neighbors Doberman and Chihuahua duet with that. It's backed with her boyfriends Rottweiler, he lives next door to her on the other side.:roll:

School holidays are over and the rain seems to have given up for now so I might get to make a few dollars, it's just been one day work and three days off for a while.

I looked at a couple of jobs today, got one so I've got a full two weeks booked now and that's unusual these days.

Good luck with the job Rajan. You've moved as well, very far from where you were? Hope that works out as well.
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Had a neighbor start bitching about my music at 8:15 tonight, I was doing good to drown out the band practicing down the road. Mind you, I'm pretty easy going, you need me to turn it down and ask, I will. You want to get passive aggressive, I will! I saw a nice Pioneer set up at a garage sale this am, it's going to be mine tomorrow! Then I'll learn how to tie two systems into one, and don't think for a second I wont!
Wanna play nice, I'll play nice, want the bull, don't think for a second you won't get the horns! I'm done with douchebaggery!

I'm pretty easy going, you need me to turn it down and ask, I will. You want to get passive aggressive, I will!---- what would happen if you say this very thing to him, rather than just us--- feud averted? I am not for people being 'generous' with their music.
Carl and I finished up the "tree of heaven" job yesterday. Two co-doms and four singles, for a total of 8 spars. I don't care if I never have to deal with another one! Not too bad, overall, but the "historic" building beneath, along with many dogwoods we were trying to preserve, and some boxwoods planted back in the 1800s...suffice it to say it was interesting. And thanks for the heads-up on the wood being brittle, you guys. It definitely isn't fun to work with!

Glad it went well for you two. Dang species can sure keep you on edge when you work them.
Some perspective, it's been years and years since I could rattle windows, that equipment is long gone! I don't amp it up much anymore and it's nothing like it was.
Now the reason I was so pissed about this:
Earlier in the evening I got the pleasure of listening to him practice with his new drum set in the garage while setting up for our garage sale, he's not very good! And I remember thinking I'd better not hear jack about my music! This is the same guy that complained to me.
Then the band down the street started practicing again, they are good! But I was in a foul mood (the garage sale and inlaws) so I cranked mine so I didn't hear them.
It's a strange street I live on for sure!
Well miracle of miracles the damned 660 started .Evidently my jerking on the rope like an idiot with no spark plug in it must have flooded it .

Normally a flooded saw isn't a problem .Hold the trigger and drop start it .You can't drop a freakin 660 with a 36" .Well maybe if you were 8 feet tall and weigh 400 pounds .
A friend called yesterday. 82 year old lady he knows needs an elm removed. She has a bid of $2500.00

Found out she has lost her son & daughter already and is a widow. She irons clothes for a couple of people for income.

Worked on it 2 & 1/2 hours yesterday after work. Another 2 & 1/2 hours this morning. It's now a 2' tall stump with everything else stacked by the curb. Will go back soon and take that down and grind the stump.

Told her before I started I didn't know what the total price would be but I would keep it under $500.00

She teared up cause she couldn't aford the $2500.

Damn, I don't want to do it for free but I'm tempted to only charge her a couple hundred.

Really sweet lady.
5 hours climbing and working by yourself is not a $2500 tree no matter what IMO. Good deal, Dennis.

I had another stellar day myself. Two medium size jobs, both referrals, both customers were extremely pleasant and easy to work for, easy access, nice trees, great ground crew, everything just about as good as you could ask for. And of course the neighbors were out since it was Saturday so we gave out four other bids as well. I made some coin and was home by 3.