How'd it go today?

Cat engine. Just has the 2 large batteries in tandem like Bryan's.

Biggest issue is not allowing "me" to take care of the problem. I have to call OKC. They locate a service provider and call them out.

There was a large truck wrecker in the IHOP parking lot 50 feet away. He said he would jump it for $125.00 but - I couldn't hire him. OKC office MUST take care of things like this. "We have a procedure to follow". So I let them waste money!
If the cheerleaders were in the bus, I might do it for free. A little peck on the cheek from them is all I ask. Dennis would probably get fired, though.
Took the kids to the local Civil War thingy here. First time for all of us. Canons and muzzle loaders going off..
Kids mostly found trees and boulders to climb. Picnic lunch. Kat had to work. So it was kind of a daddy day :)

The civil war is interesting history, but it sure was a bloody affair. Pretty primeval thinking for folks to kill and maim each other like what went on. Most of the true but more gruesome descriptives don't seem to make it into the textbooks, flesh hanging in trees and such.
We went to a BlackPowder Shoot yesterday, too. People dressed in period costumes shooting very noisy guns. It was cool though.
Around these parts those enactments are called "buck skin rendezvous ".Supposed to be a reenactment of the trading sprees the mountain men fur trappers engaged in at the end of trapper season in the spring time .I never got into them myself but have a few friends who are real fanatics about it .
Oh say though I have participated in black powder shoots using a 58 caliber replica of a cival war rifled musket .Surprising perhaps to those who don't know that those old relics will shoot just as straight at 100 yards as a modern rifle and pack just as much punch .

It's just hard to imagine opposing armies facing off at 200 yards apart and opening fire on one another using weapons that could knock down a male buffalo .Fired until the last man standing .Good grief .
Ah yes the continuing saga of the male cardinal that is driving me nutz flying into the windows .Went out and bought a pair of plastic owls .

When the horney little red bird saw the owl he beat feet or rather beat wings .Might work,time will tell .
Ale8 and bourbon is a real winner... You get that locally in OK? The ale 8.

Everything in that pic was from riding the Harley on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. It was one of those trips where I tried to see how much liquer I could pack on the bike and still make it home whithout any of it breaking.

I'm not a big drinker, most of it was given away to family and friends. I don't know if it's available here locally since I only go inside a liquer store maybe once a year.

The best drink from that trip was the Bourbon Cream mixed 50-50 with root beer. Tastes just like a root beer float!
Its only Monday and I'm already tired lol. Big sketchy Hackberry removal today. Wasn't too bad, just the first big one I've done in awhile. Got the back lead rigged out and the front one limbed up a bit so I was able to fall the rest. Biggest tree I've fallen in awhile, so that was fun. Mini made short work of the clean up, looking forward to getting that dump trailer here soon. Amazing how much work it saves, feeding the chipper and loading wood. Gotta love it.

More removals lined up for tomorrow, then some pruning work Wednesday. Dad has some cool pics from today that I'll throw up here when I get them.
Went to CERT/Skywarn meeting tonight. It went a lot better than I thought it would! He made a great point out of me, and he was right! No matter how professional you are, no matter how prepared you are, and no matter what you've been through, you can NEVER be prepared for everything, and in a situation as I was in, the adrenalin will kick in and take over!
I actually came away with a lot from the meeting! I got to talk face to face with the guy that was running the Skywarn net that night and come to find out I was the only spotter that had seen the big tornado that night so interest in me was very high!
I came away with some knowledge, more respect for the people I've dealt with, and would like to think I've gained some respect from them as well.
I know, it seems lame, but I take what I can get anymore!
IMG_20120423_155448.jpg Mixed day. Got a good paying small job on a big walnut with a large dangling limb and a broken stub. POGO. Fun to climb, too. Last time was all DdRT, whereas this time should be a lot less work. Contrast is bad---look for 6'2" Erik at base of tree in orange shirt w/ stripes. One of my most memorable trees to climb.

Amy is feeling a bit resentful that I "get" to go away from the baby and she's not able to enjoy such freedom in the little stints that I do. Bid three jobs, got two, possibly getting all three, and did a paid consult. All money for the family. "Getting" to work is a funny concept. Even if I do like the work, I could do other things that aren't work that I could like. I don't mind doing the work, at all, as it is for the family, but still could hang out and not work.:|: by hi
Nice Walnut!

Yeah, Katy escapes with work and school. Damned if you do or don't with her. She dislikes her work, but it's a break from the kids. She's day watch and I am the night...
Yeah, I'm on the hunt now! I need a pair of Cerwin Vega RE 30's and an amp at 1500 per chanel! Any ideas or suggestions? Really, you don't want to know!
Just some fodder that had some more added to it today. We have 5 days a month now booked from 2 days a month prior on this thinning/shaded fuel break job. It was just interesting to see how this work in progress is progressing. Miles to go before we rest on this one. Just one drive way is a mile long and it splits 3 ways. 3 homes. We go above the drive way and yard down hill in summer and chip. Go down into the low sections and burn as we cut in the winter and spring.
Some before and progress...
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Got our laminate floor reinstalled with the help of my FIL. We had a small flood after Dahlia was born. Got the sticky valve (flood cause) in the washer changed, too, again with the second set of hands from the visiting FIL.

A lil' misty rain today to help the grass seed germinate where I'd added soil to some low spots in the front yard.

Erik was working at a regular jobsite, senior's mobile home park across from a golf course, and booked another job for himself and his cousin (new transplant to Oly from Ohio, and new part time employee. They live together, so its super convenient all around.).

Consolidated some small remnants of firewood rows in the woodshed into one space, cleaning out some other stuff (well, moving to another part of the woodshed) ready for some stuff to split.

Found a log splitter on sale that I'm thinking of buying, $1099 plus tax. My boss at Parks has one and likes it, even on big knotty doug-fir. Will rent it out to select customers.

Got a promo offer from AmEx with a $200 credit after spending $1000, no annual fee, and 0% interest on purchases for one year. Would make the splitter $1000 with tax.