How'd it go today?

We seem to have an unannounced guest in the form of about a two year old golden retriever .Big friendly guy with a dog tag but I didn't check the date on it .

People don't drop off dogs with a tag and even if they did I really don't want to get animal controll involved because if they aren't claimed it pretty much seals the dogs fate .

Just have to wait and see what happens I guess .--see I'm not a meanie all the time --
I will if somebody doesn't claim him .I did further checking and he has a tag although it's from 1911 .New were due first of Jan .

Evidently he's still under two because he doesn't hike his leg .I've never seen an adult male dog no matter if it's a little yapper or a Saint Bernard that didn't . I think goldens are like Irish setters in that they have an extended puppy hood some what .

What ever but in a short I'm off to get some dog food .He already ate about a pound of good roast beef and acts like he could eat the whole steer .That dog ever grows into his feet he'll weight a hundred pounds .I imagine he goes about 65 right now and he's lean ,not starved though .
Took care of a burn on a trail today... We shut it down early and decided not to brush more of the trail as green matter flies hotter farther than dry. Even though we had some rain yesterday, I could light the burn piles with a lighter with no accelerant except grass and some sticks. Wind was coming up and we were done. Go back to town and buy some parts for some repairs I have on my list of things to do. Turns out 4 fires have run from burns..... Bet there is a no burn day tomorrow ;)
Came home to a UPS package from WesSpur..... I racked my brain while I was feeding critters of what did I possibly order or have on BO I forgot about. BIG THANKS to Nice Guy Dave.... He told me he was sending me a little something.... What a nice surprise. I can't wait to use it :)
Dave was my safety man at the top of the red wood at the WCGTG. Highest ascent I have ever done in my life. A gift like this has a lot of significance and meaning for me :) He spliced it as well.

Lilly thought it was pretty cool too :)

Didn't wear my chaps.....
Could have been a whole lot worse. Today was a LUCKY day.
Careful bro! Glad u walked away with just that!

Easy day today, got snowed out this morning, which was odd, seeing we've been having 50+ degree days the past two weeks, weird weather here in KY lol. Of course it all melted by about 2 in the afternoon. Took today to get some errands outta the way and get some things in order for going to pick up the mini this weekend and my trip in April.
thats an old dog! :)
Ha I guess I did miss it by about a hundred years .I got the young feller some kibbles and bits but I think he would have prefered a T-bone .

Supposed to drop to 19 tonight of which I told my wife wouldn't even phase a golden retriever because with all that hair. I think they can take cold as well as a Malamute .Never the less I lost that battle and young red is in the garage at the moment .Probabley chewing the tires off the car as I type no doubt .
My golden and other lab started acting more like an adult around 2 1/2 (more like).

Ceiling is up in back room, 2 new windows in one wall replacing one big one now, and first story is all insulated.

License bureau in the am tomorrow and then oral surgery in the afternoon for a couple extractions....finally! My old Gen. Foreman at trees inc. passed away (self inflicted) and his funeral is tomorrow also..going to try and get there, he was the most even handed and talented person I've ever worked for, and a great guy.

New Vermeer mini should be showing up any day now:)
Oh I'd say the pup is under two .Typical male dog though .I let him out of the garage a little while ago .First thing he did was take a pee then that tail went up and off he went patrolling the grounds like the fearless protecter of the castle .

Kinda stuck between a rock and hard place on this .Can't get animal control involved because that seals his fate .Can't understand why someone would dump a dog with a license either .

Mrs Smith is going to call some pet rescue thing today in hopes of finding the owner .They can pretty much kiss my azz about taking the dog unless it's the rightfull owner of same .I'll know when I see them if found if they are the owner or not just by the reaction of the dog .
Well... They killed the burn days again for now as dry as it is...... And released this lil vid...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Nice looking FS, Stephen...and I see Dave supplied you with Burnham's fav, and Stig's detested, RE Pirate carabiner :D.

Tucker, damn...what went down, brother? That is WAY too close for comfort.
Nice looking FS, Stephen...and I see Dave supplied you with Burnham's fav, and Stig's detested, RE Pirate carabiner :D.

Tucker, damn...what went down, brother? That is WAY too close for comfort.

I was being stupid. Bucking limbs off of an ash tree on the ground. A 6" limb coming off the main stem was all loaded up with tension, pressure, and some twist. Stuck out a 441 with a 24" bar to nip it off the trunk and the wood fiber actually burst when the chain touched it. Spit the saw back at me sideways. The saw twisted sideways so hard in ky trigger hand, that my palm broke the deadman out of the handle. Ripped my pants up and I'm bruised up pretty good today. Obviously, this was all preventable. Most every mistake I've ever made was. My fault. Should have put my chaps on and not been too lazy to run back to the garage and get them. Should have cut the limb like gut told me to and not from the angle I was standing. It was easily prevented, like every mistake I've made since 1984.
Worth a look...again, as I know I've posted this before.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Tucker, glad you can walk away from this as a learning experience. :)

I have found that cotton wood limbs under high tension in cold weather can explode violently also.
Interesting video. I typically wear a set of labonville wrap around chaps. Especially when logging. I shiver at the idea of working in the woods without them.
Went and looked at a Black Walnut logging job today. Looks like they need about 10 more years of growth.
The land owner agreed and was happy I spent some time educating him about veneer logs.
Nice day for a walk in the woods. :)
I don't ever set a saw to a tree without wearing my safety pants, and I mean ever!

About 20 years ago I was working my way through a christmas tree plantation, taking out the trees that would not make the grade ( we go for natural trees here, not the shaped sort that is common in the US).
The way you do it is: run the saw up and down 3 sides of the tree taking off all limbs and cut the remains down and let it lie to rot.

When I was pushing the "remains", which is basically a 6 foot stem with little branch stubs sticking out, over, I tripped.
Managed to get my trigger finger jammed by one of the stubs, revving the saw to max, got tangled in the stem and fell into a pile, x-mas tree, saw and me.

Landed with my right thigh across the saw which was running at max RPMs.

It didn't even make it through the pants!

But I was so shocked that when my partner found me sitting on the ground, he thought I had cut myself and was bleeding out, I was that white in the face.

That day I swore never to use a saw without proper protection, and I have kept it faithfully ever since.

Once burned, twice shy!

On a nicer note, we finished our doug fir order, spent today taking out hazard trees at Ledreborg castle ( Some good ones, too. Pictures will follow!) And tomorrow I'm starting on 21 biggish oaks that are going to end up as a floor in a German castle.

I'm in treefallers paradise right now. Cold, clear weather, no snow, and lots of fine logging:)