How'd it go today?

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We had fun today.
My former boss in the state forest service's son turned 30 years old, and we had promised to take him 30 meters up in a tree.
He is a great kid, I've known him since he was a wee one.
He did two tours in the Sirius patrol and that earns you a lot of respect around here.
So we got a bunch of people together, found a nice solitary doug fir and set a 6oo foot speedline.

It was a great zipline. Really fast at first. The kind where you start out thinking you are going to die:lol:.
That's not steel, looks like 12 mm double braid.

Read about the Sirius patrol on national geographic recently, sounds pretty hardcore.
A brand new ½" samson bull rope.
At 10.400 pds it is more than strong enough.
We'll keep it intact for a zipline we plan to do across a "canyon" in may, then it'll get cut into pieces for work.
Sounds like a great day Stig!

Tore up two layers of flooring + two layers of backing in my bathroom. Have a bit of drywall finishing to do yet, then will paint and install new cabinets and tub surround.
Crazy Priest called about a big Pine (200-300 year old class is my guess) he needs removed from the entrance of his temple. Went and checked it out. I'll be trying to post a vid about it, need some advice. :)
I finally got my lathe in the other day (Delta 46-460) so today i went to my buddy's house, made handles for my tools on his lathe then came home and got mine set up. Made another handle for another tool, then turned out an ink pen. Its not a perfect job as the hole was drilled a little off center but it still turned out ok. Ive got a bunch of bowl blanks cut and waxed but I need to spend more time turning little stuff before i jump into bigger things.

Just got in from my brother's place. Patriots... win. Giants... win. Should be an interesting SuperBowl.
Been watching this tonight. 5-6 townships involved to keep water coming. Commercial place just down the road from me. Got to hear three good sized explosions. I'm not worried...our boys ain't lost a foundation yet.

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holy crap man,good luck to the firefighters there. I took today off so me and Shelly could move to a bigger place.
Crazy Dave!
Watched both games last night, I'm not much of a fan but that was some damn good football! I was pulling for the Bronco's and Packers so I don't have a horse left in the race.
Bubba came in third in his class yesterday so he got a medal, good thing there were only three in his class :lol: But he had fun.
Mom has my cold now, she's home sick so I got the boy up and ready for school, all was fine until he saw mom then he was dying from a cold as well! Got him to school finally, but ten min late. Kids!
We did the dead gum for the 99 year old, a bit tricky and he was impressed.

I tried to get some pictures but it was cloudy and it was pretty dark in there anyway. It'll be sad to see this place go, he's been there since 1946 and planted a few trees.

If you have a look and zoom in toongabbie rd the tree was where the A is, and that clear spot is his vegetable garden.
I ordered some parts today for saws and such .Baileys didn't list all the parts so off to Tulsa small engine and a surprise .Seems Tulsa no longer accepts phone orders stictly internet sales .Well lah-te- dah .

So Al the dinosaur just got them through Mfg supply . Now who's saving money by firing all the help .:lol:
finished a 2 day cypress job today (except the stump). one to prune and one to remove. 45 yards of chips and 2 15 yard loads of wood. did i mention power? i dont like working near power. the GRCS was indispensable i must say, im really loving winching stuff wherever i want;).
Way to save Al!:lol:

Got a call from Dave at Top Notch today to confirm delivery of the attachments I ordered for my mini.

Did some more drywall finishing in bath, almost ready for paint.