Bid some work this morning for a repeat customer. She's recommended me to her neighbor across the street. Dying doug-fir with LRR, I suspect, from working in the neighborhood.
Got to climb a few trees today for my own job. Nice mix up from all the bucketing and felling at Parks. Knocked down a doug-fir with a lot of pitching and vertical seams in the bark. Crown was sorta thin. Didn't cut it up into round, but all the wood looked clean that I saw. Tree didn't look right though, and close to the house. Didn't examine the roots. The HOs were about out of firewood, so they'll be stocked for next year, and are happy not to have to worry about the tree.
Took a while to get a good SRT line into a western redcedar with a forked top. When I got near to the redirection point/ TIP I found that I was over a 3/4" branch, which withstood the bounce testing and climbing just fine. I had a larger branch about a foot lower, and the huge crotch of the fork just below that, which I could tell from the ground would be at most a few feet of drop on a 70' TIP, worst case scenario.
Swung into the adjacent cedar from the same TIP to prune it, too.
Had slip while limb walking, but just ended up dangling in free air, NBD.
All in all, a good afternoon of dry work in cool temps. Collect the check at dusk.