How'd it go today?

I climbed and grounded for 42 years and have no for givings for those persons who can not spot ropes in the brush being hauled and run through a chipper. It's one thing that I am very adamant about.
Whoever was handling the rope before the limb hit the ground is obligated to complete his task of tending the rope by removing it from the limb before chipping. The person chipping the brush is responsible for inspecting the brush as it is chipped and watching for obvious foreign objects which could damage the chipper. It takes two people not paying attention for most accidents to happen.
Three pines in the gusty wind and crane job in the am.

Was a bit breezy here today as well. At least I wasn't doing really tall stuff. I spent all day trimming Canary Island Date palms at the Dolphin and Swan motels at Disney. Had a real good first day out there. The landscape company has an $18,000 arbor budget for the year and wants to give it all to me, which works out to 36 days or three days per month just on that one property. Between this company and the other big landscaper I'm working for I'm booked 4 days per week for the indefinite future and should stay busy all winter.
Cool, Brian, on all the scheduled work.

Once again, no experience with a chipper, but it sure seems that at least one person would be focused on removing a rope when what is being lowered hits the ground. I can only picture a rope removed then left laying in the brush that would get put into the chipper. Still attached seems like a major mental vacation.
The rope man is responsible for tending the rope. That includes untying it from the limb, keeping it clear of the brush, getting it back to the climber, maintaining eye contact with the climber so he knows when to tend slack and get ready for the next limb, etc. It's not a solitary errand but a full time responsibility. The rope man tends the rope ALL the time.
Brian, good deal on the bookings. Had some Indian folks call for work today. Had a hard time understanding him on the phone. I feel bad about that for some reason.

Rained out this morning. Then blown out this afternoon. Looks like I'm flying a kite tomorrow as well!!
Easy day. Knocked out an Ash this morning, notch, drop, stack 8' logs, chip + rake. Finished that early, then met with a guy to refinish my floors. Gave him the job, probably start in a couple weeks after I prime and paint the ceiling. Split a bunch of wood after that. It's gorgeous with the log loader, I just park next to the splitter, drop the logs, Mingo them, cut, then split. If they are too big I load on the splitter with the loader, easy peasy. I really need a Super Splitter and a conveyor. I'm keeping an eye out for a hay elevator to convert.
Me three on the conveyor. I hate splitting the wood knowing I could be doing it much more efficiently, it drives me nuts. A steel table to move the log around on, instead of picking the pieces up a million times, would be good too. It will happen all in good time I imagine one thing at a time.
I started building my firewood fetcher this afternoon. I'm about ten minutes into it so far. I had an old running gear from a hay wagon and I put the red channel iron frame on it and then I put one of my slab racks on top of that. Now I can cruise around the farm looking for trees that would much rather be firewood.:lol:

Officially all booked up for the rest of the season. Jan - Mar 2012 booking up quickly too!

Just finished booking our travel plans for Jan/Feb 2012 all that is left to do is book the rental car and pack the Speedo, Kauai here we come! I guess I should polish up the gold cross to give it that extra shine for my daily beach walk. Maybe I should get a bikini wax too.............hmmm.
Allrighty then back in business on my computor .The new power supply came in today and I just installed it .850 watt to replace the original 400 watt .

Since using mama Dars' for the last couple of days I believe I'm going to buy a wide screen to replace this flat screen CRT .The newer models certainly are better .Considering this machine was built in 05 though the flat screen was about as good as what was available at the time .