I don't know what it is, but I'm feeling great right now. Worked the shitty M-W 730-400 job, that always sucks. After work it just got better and better. Had a guy try to beat me down on a cable install estimate, left there sticking to my guns. Whatever!
Went home and grabbed the moto bike, and hit the track. Did three good 20 min motos and felt great. Stopped for a brownie Mcflurry on the way home, delicious! I had to run to my house and button up a few things. I finally caved in and am ready to spend some money. I've got the guy hanging drywall tomorrow in my house. I'm freaking stoked!
Oh, I ordered a 200T to stash away (might order another next week), and I got an adapter plate for the mini loader to mount a pintle hook on to move around the chipper and log loader easier.