Got the wife all moved out this week, and "had hell" week in both my computer classes at school. looks like I'm going to have to purchase something that runs MS windows...
Going up to a family and friends reunion this afternoon to see my Dad's side of the family.
I found out the company that leases the property adjacent to mine has cut an opening in the berm they were instructed to build by the county drain commissioner and have been dumping out their trucks on my property again.
I stopped in to talk and told them they had a choice of repairing the berm before they dump another truck or I'll just call my lawyer....I'm really tired of these guys treating my property as their dumping ground and am about worked up enough to cause them some real problems again

I found out the company that leases the property adjacent to mine has cut an opening in the berm they were instructed to build by the county drain commissioner and have been dumping out their trucks on my property again.