How'd it go today?

Wife stopped in and we moved a bunch of her stuff to the garage in preparation of her moving out. Took all three dogs to the vet. bill was over $500.:O
Well, we did get everything taken care of for the dogs, I ws just a bit taken aback when they told me the amount. I hadn't figured on more than three hundred (all three had blood test and all their shots). My Lab mix,Rusty, has an infection of some sort so is getting some medication that hopefully helps.
Today was so so .I helped Tom a little bit,pics in the other thread .

I somehow managed to hit something in one of those fat trees and cleaned two cutters off a 32" chain loop .Then to rub salt in the wound tossed a rim sprocket and tore up half a dozen drivers on another chain ,sucks .

Then I'll be damned if my 125 Mac didn't eat something that disagreed with it and hung tight as a bulls butt in fly time .Evidently what ever it is got wedged in the head deck because the cylinder and piston face show no damage .It's going to take a tear down though to finger out .:what:
Man oh man... I hate days like that Al.

Just getting back in the swing of things here. Worked a little more than 1/2 day yesterday on an account that kinda drives me nutz. Done for the season though. Next will be some brushing and tree work on the place. HO is living there since he is basically retired. SO it is a double edged sword. He does more around there, so we do less in the summer. But is there all the time now and I now will have to deal with all his quirks.... Oh well :dontknow:
Got on another job today and they are having a low bidder come chip a bunch of tree limbing the HO did. Every tree hacked he touched. Torn collars right down the trunk, stubs everywhere :( Kills me. Trying to save some bucks. Just another sign of the times I guess. Get some little stuff down tomorrow and I get to go slay a black oak over a water tank and near a pump house. Pretty much bomb and drop. Looking forward to that. Katy took on four classes it looks like. Guess I won't be seeing much of her between work and school and my work. Game on with the kids. :roll:
Just another day in the life.
Our hazordzous tree removal went well today. Large Sugar Maple. One lead failed in our recent wind storm, other had a large cavity about 20' up. Got that down before lunch with no screw ups. We pulled in a contract climber for today, so he climbed most of it. I climbed a large Sugar Maple next to it to repair damage done by the top that failed. Found some huge hollows in mine, so we're going back to inspect it sometime soon. After that, cleaned up a failed locust limb and that pretty much curved out the day. Tomorrow is a small pruning job and then helping Dad water 10,000 square yards of sod. Fun fun.

Oh, and only two more days until I leave for my trip!!! Can't wait!
Hopefully Kat's return to school is nice and smooth for all of ya'll. :)

They are reprocessing my appeal. It was declined for not having the proper paperwork from my adviser. I called her about that early last week, and followed up mid-week with her saying that it should be down there. I found out that because of this, my classes I was registered for, I was booted out of them, so if I get through the appeal, I just have to hope the classes haven''t filled up again.

Pass the Zantac and the Tylenol.
I just wanted her to take only 2 classes per semester... Looks like 4 this time :banghead:

The last time she took just 3.... she about lost her mind as did the kids and I.
Her schedule includes up to 30 hours of work on top of 4 classes at school (3 of which are an hour each way to campus, one in the evenings after a full day of work) and home schooling the kids. As of this week.... She is now going to be a major stress monkey, absentee spouse and parent. :roll:
This is going to be a L O N G semester!:|:
Guess I wasn't the only one having a rough time of it today. I got electrocuted.

Long story short, apparently the last dipshit to work on a particular piece of machinery decided to use the green wire in a cable as a hot leg in a three-phase system. A little crispy in the fingertips and a nice jolt of 480 volts, but I'm fine. :dur:
Guess I wasn't the only one having a rough time of it today. I got electrocuted.

Long story short, apparently the last dipshit to work on a particular piece of machinery decided to use the green wire in a cable as a hot leg in a three-phase system. A little crispy in the fingertips and a nice jolt of 480 volts, but I'm fine. :dur:

Dang Erik, cool off!
Yep a good jolt of 480 will wake you up alright,been down that road a few times myself .

If you get to following some nincompoops work though anything can happened and usually does .
Wow, glad it turned out no worse than it did Erik.

Stephan, good luck to you a Kat with that kind of schedule. When Dar went full time in school I talked her out of even having a part time job. She thanked me after her second week of being buried in homework and went on to make the Deans list every semester of her BA. She is now taking two graduate classes and is thinking of dropping that to one at a time.