How'd it go today?

A rabbit eh?

I guess I can see that

Nice job, Steve. Sanding until your fingers bleed is part of the learning process. I bet Eddie Van Halen went through a similar thing. On some projects sanding will generate heat that warps or cracks the work, it helps to inspire cutting over sanding, plus the time factor. Are you using rolls of sandpaper or sheets? Rolls tend to be cheaper and less wasteful for lathe work..
WTH?! Just read the first chapter of my mirco-econ book and it is word for word the same as the macro version. for the price they charge they could at least provide new/original material...:what:
Nice job, Steve. Sanding until your fingers bleed is part of the learning process. I bet Eddie Van Halen went through a similar thing. On some projects sanding will generate heat that warps or cracks the work, it helps to inspire cutting over sanding, plus the time factor. Are you using rolls of sandpaper or sheets? Rolls tend to be cheaper and less wasteful for lathe work..

Sheet mannnn.
Bummer, Just say you hate everybody and your uncle is a cop and you will get out of it.

I went with; "I'm an equal opportunity arsehole. I hate everyone equally, and I'm also on a first name basis with him, her, oh... her too, him, and you, your honor."

Have fun Gigi.

I'm off for a long day of driving and navigating the big city. I've got to transfer my uncle to the next hospital (for skin grafts later this week) since he's cleared for a POV transfer, but not to drive... just don't ask. :roll: I'll probably be tied up with that for most of the day, and then I'll swing by ma's since she needs a couple of things repaired at her place, and I'll hopefully be home by 6~ish if I'm lucky.
Not very civic minded attitude, though :). If all the reasonably practical people finagle their way out of jury duty, then you get stupid decisions...obviously that's happening too much as it is.
On hold with a gov agency in AZ as we type... LOL
Trying to resolve a lil ol issue that recently bit my butt. Guessing an old fine on a ticket I got when it all went to hell on me out there. 12 years ago.
And I just got hung up on after waiting 1/2 hour already:|::|::|::|:
Jury duty is cool. I think every one worries they are going to end up sequestered forever for someone that will try to kill them if they vote guilty :lol:
Usually from my experience, first you probably won't even serve. I've been dismissed because of plea bargain and the people before me were picked, I was not needed. When I have served... two days max out. Went home... don't talk about it.... no biggie.
I like doing my duty as a citizen. Sux if it is worse case, but still I would be proud to serve.
Refinanced my quad and financed the wheel loader and my truck today. Holy moly what a payment, and 72 of them! Still, I shouldn't complain, the interest rate rocks and my first payment isn't due for 40 days.
Come ON people, now! Smile on your brother! EVERYBODY get together and try to love one another RIGHT NOW!
Rain, rain and more rain here, starting to flood now. Only 5 days this month that it has not rained. Getting hard to get work done, my guys are geting a bit salty too.
I was thinking of the wheel loader alone, but what the hey...4 years for all would be awesome, and save you a ton of interest $$ too.