Good Morning!

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peachy, i got a couple pics ill put up after i go shoot hoops. fell a leaning black oak for 200 cash and pieced out a walnut for 350 plus stump
Well did so good on monday that I couldn't go into the new chipping area until today as the residents all got certain dates to have their trimmings out by. Knocked off a pine takedown yesterday and now back to the exciting world of driving around aimlessly and chipping little piles.:D

Have a good day everyone.
They're getting younger and younger. Some of the gangster types that work here (the ones who have gone "straight", and gotten legit jobs) say the kids of today are way far gone, no heart, no soul. The future isn't looking so bright.:X
Unbeleivable is what it is, sickening. Some people need to be made examples of to exact change. Let's see societies in general have gotten softer and softer on crime and suprise, suprise crime and weird sickos are on the rise.

Grade three kids doing stuff like that, our societies are rotten. From every aspect not only is sickness and violence accepted it's promoted and glamorized and then we all sit back and wonder when bizarre crap happens. We'll all forget about that when the next over the top serial killer movie comes out. Disgusting.

I've been looking into moving to somewhere alot more isolated than where I am now.
I noticed that Howard Stern was taken off the air for being 'indecent'. But last night at 6:30 the t.v. showed explict Ultimate Fighting details.

so violence is o.k. but sex is not?
Well off to prune a chestnut and then a loverly hedge. Good week for my little show hope it keeps up. Have a good friday everyone.8)
you got help these days squish?

Part-time so far 2 or 3 days per week I'm hiring someone on. Sometimes my uncle, who's 30 year plus bush veteran certified faller and general expert in all things logging, or sometimes just a young flunky who I can't trust with nothing.

Other days I'm solo :/:. As long as I can go five days a week I'm happy.
Gonna go kayaking tomorrow. Weather is good and the river is running strong!
I'm going fishing with Justin later this morning. I'm still sorta on Florida time so I woke up about 5:30 and had breakfast already. It's nice having all the time in the world to relax and enjoy myself. :)

Frans, the river is up here and we saw a couple kayakers yesterday.