Good Morning!

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I'm thinking your bank should have stuck up for you and fronted you the money in your account until it is straightened out in my opinion anyway.
I agree, voicing your displeasure with the bank manager seems appropriate. In case he's forgotten, remind him that they shouldn't be jacking folks around like that at a moment's notice. :evil:
This is the reason its important to develop a good, working relationship with your local bank manager. You need to have someone who knows you, likes you, and will go to bat for you when stuff like this happens. Darin, I hope this works out in your favor, it sucks dealing with "bank policy". :X
Darin. I agree with everyone else. You bank has violated its fiduciary responsibility regarding your funds that it holds in trust. Screaming and ranting aren't your style and are generally bad business anyway but a sit down with the bank president and the mention of contacting the State Attorney General, the moving of all of your banking business out of their institution with a promise of bad word of mouth advertising regarding their misbegotten enterprise is entirely in order.
I would cool off, first.

Get your ducks in a row, then go down to the bank.

You'll need the copy of the statement that shows when the check was originally deposited. I would call to see if they have a copy on file of the deposited check itself.

If this starts bouncing other checks you'll need to be really careful to keep track of your REAL costs as each bounced check will incur a separate fee, PLUS obviously your balance will be below any minimum if your account has one and you will be charged a service fee.

Go in with out ANY obvious animosity, the person who you're going to talk with probably had nothing to do with the screw up. Treat them nice and they will help you. If they don't, find a REAL real person above them.

Good luck, sometimes it seems like its all just a bunch of numbers to them, but they can put it BACK as easily as they can take it away. I sure hope it hasn't screwed up payments to your real people though.

Spitting wood is a thing of the past for me as of yesterday. I split the three pieces: two pieces of hedge, one piece of locust. The hedge was difficult, but still....just two pieces. The locust split apart like it was already scored....nothing to it.

The next morning though, it took me about 7 minutes before I was finally able to get out of bed and into the kitchen. I couldn't bend at all.....I haven't hurt that bad in a long time. I spent the morning on the couch laying on an ice pack, letting the vitamin I do its thing.

Later, I was able to climb up on the tractor. Luckily I'd put all the (heavy) feed troughs in a row the day before and had the gate open. I was amazed I was able to get through it all. I was good for nothing the rest of the day, took a pain pill in the evening and got a bit done. Woke up this morning and obviously the nerve was no longer being crunched.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Al, Mike's got a splitter that works off the tractor's hydraulics just about finished in the barn tonight. He wasn't really happy that I'd split anything....but knows better than to TELL me I can't, knows I'll figure it out myself. ha

This getting old sucks.

Big time.
Darin. I agree with everyone else. You bank has violated its fiduciary responsibility regarding your funds that it holds in trust. Screaming and ranting aren't your style and are generally bad business anyway but a sit down with the bank president and the mention of contacting the State Attorney General, the moving of all of your banking business out of their institution with a promise of bad word of mouth advertising regarding their misbegotten enterprise is entirely in order.

Good post Stump...then Darin should join the Lion's club or Loyal Order of Moose, so the same thing doesn't happen at the next bank where he parks his funds..

Al, Mike's got a splitter that works off the tractor's hydraulics just about finished in the barn tonight. He wasn't really happy that I'd split anything....but knows better than to TELL me I can't, knows I'll figure it out myself. ha

This getting old sucks.

Big time.
Well,there is a point when being somewhat firm minded is not good . Far be it from me to say anything but you have to face facts you've done a lot being confined to a 5 foot 2 body . You gotsta to do things smarter ,not harder ya know .;)

Now I'm 6 foot tall ,220 pounds and pretty good shape for my age .However in recent years I find myself using levers ,jacks ,other lifting devices rather than bull stuff around like in former days . Well all have to face the music some day .Smarter,not harder .
Good post Stump...then Darin should join the Lion's club or Loyal Order of Moose, so the same thing doesn't happen at the next bank where he parks his funds..
While being frustrating it more than likely is a computor screw up .It happens .

You pull the state bank auditors into the mix ,that will get their attention big time .They don't want the bad press .Then when they get their ducks in a row ,pull your money .

Banks are just like attorneys, gas stations or supermarkets ,one on every corner . I've fired them all at one time or another .:what:
Banks are just like attorneys, gas stations or supermarkets ,one on every corner . I've fired them all at one time or another .:what:

Definitely. If they don't have this tied up for you by the end of the day WITH a huge apology, get it taken care of and then go else where. I just pulled one of my accounts out of a bank a few weeks ago. They DID get things straightened out, but not without alot of work on my part. I don't need that.
Yup, closing your account and moving your business elsewhere should be a given. But perhaps wait until they straighten out their mess first. They have already violated your trust and lost the right to keep your business when they illegally took the money out of your account. Anything they do now is just damage control.

Maybe inform the bank manager that you should move your account elsewhere and let him (or her) give you some comps. Then close the account anyway. ;)
My dad always had the opinion of not to keep your eggs in one basket .Regarding banks or any other financial thing . Keeps them more honest that way .
Man Darin.. What they all said... I would be camped out at the bank with the DAs number in hand. Probably a few other gov agencies that over see the banks and regulation too... That sux... Sorry to hear you going through this..
Al, I'm a believer in multiple egg baskets....but I seem to have spent much of my life down to one egg so it becomes a rather moot basket collection.:|:
Mornin everyone. Darin, I was thinking last night that 30 years ago if this happened in my town, it wouldn't have been a problem because the bank manager lived in the community and this would have all been solved by him either without you even knowing it, or with a conversation.