Good Morning!

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I have much to do...but I ain't agonna do it. I'm staying home to blow my nose and hock up luigis and try to feel fit for a big week next week.
opening day of second buck season and here i sit waiting for my wife to get home from being on call:(
No slaughter of innocent animals going on here, just chipping piles of pine brush solo to pay for Haley's Birthday last week.
Good morning, TH. Today I get to go pull out a chain link fence and cut down a row of 10' tall hedges. Beats sitting at home, I guess. I think I need to find a second job to suppliment my income.
[...] Beats sitting at home, I guess. I think I need to find a second job to suppliment my income.

Same here, one consult this AM, some limbs over a house this afternoon, barter (for rent) TD tomorrow. I've got a little work on the book, but not much, no real backlog to speak of. I've gotten two requests for quotes since they announced the bailout and the market started sliding. Before, I was was getting three or four a day.

I might take a P/T Christmas job at a friend's backpacking shop to supplement my income and fill my time. Kids will be in the Bahamas for 3 weeks in December. least most of my Christmas shopping is done.
Good morning...but it's really bedtime in these parts. I just read in the news that the economy here has gone from being just bad, into recession now. That's just dandy!
I have to haul out my ladder and run the wire brush through the flue .The temp is dropping ,about nearly time to fire up the stove . My bones tell me this might be a nasty winter,hope I'm wrong .
I think I need to find a second job to suppliment my income.
Well,let's face it tree work comes and goes .A lot of treemen do in fact have other means of making money .

For that matter I've been working a flat 40 hours for a couple of months instead of my usual 70 plus hours per week .That cuts the pay check in half .Not a big deal but the spending has to fall in line with the income ya know .

Well,like it or not it's inevitabley a recessionary period ,no way out of it . Won't be the first,won't be the last but when the going gets tough the tough get going .
Sold that Yamaha scooter this morning, looked at a job, and dropped the last old mini tire off for replacement. I am suppose to go and cut up this lady's firewood up, (i dumped the logs), and drop 2 trees, just waiting on her call. Otherwise I am writing checks.

This week will be decent though, 2 small removals tommorrow, big one thursday, and maybe something in between.
You sold your pimpmobile scooter? But you loved that thing! :?

Finished the fence and hedge already, plus we took down another chain link fence for a neighbor while we were there. Probably my best money day in over a month and I was done by noon. I almost feel guilty until I think about it some more.
Good morning ya'll... the Mrs let me sleep in late. Kids kept trying to wake me up but failed... LOL Its a teachers day or something at the school so school is closed and the boys are home. Katy has to work today so I get to be house daddy and get some things done around here.:/::/:
I have to haul out my ladder and run the wire brush through the flue .The temp is dropping ,about nearly time to fire up the stove . My bones tell me this might be a nasty winter,hope I'm wrong .

I'm pulling out the checkbook on a new furnace... :roll:

Oh well, 20 years was a good run on it.
Doing a small tree remocval and some little pruning and possibly transplanting a Japanese Maple. I have a bid to do about 20 miles away.
I moved the wood stove out of the hearth yesterday to inspect it .Dang ,talk about heavy .

I was under an erronious idea regarding creosote removal logs .I thought in my mind these things more or less caused small flue fires to burn loose glazed creosote . In reading up on them it appears they release a catylist type of stuff that cause the stuff to be converted into a type of pyrolited material which will flake off with heat .

At any rate I'm going to give it a go perhaps Sunday when I can watch it .If it works great ,if not stainless liner I guess . On the other hand maybe my concerns are for naught but I'd rather be safe than sorry .