My sleeping schedule doesn't have one. Nowadays, after two hours, I'm UP. It's so weird! I can be passing out falling asleep at 10pm, only to become wide awake at 12. I'll get up, have a smoke, watch a 'lil TV and go back to sleep in an hour or so. At first I didn't like this, but NOW I'm embracing my (unusual, I think?>) insomnia. Before I finally arise in the morning, I will have done that twice already since crashing.
Interesting: I like all the extra free time. I've always hated wasting life sleeping and wished that I could do it only when
I wanted to, purely outta pleasure/relaxation. Say, a couple, three hours a day (and night), spread out. Kinda like the perfect shift worker's schedule, lol, but it works for me.
It's good I don't have a SO in the room cuz they'd soon learn to
hate me! Can you imagine it? Me, getting up all night? PLUS, I toss and turn most of the time. I'm waiting to see if what they say's true - "Alcohol messes with your sleep." I gotta tell you; since I've quit drinking my sleep sure as heck
hasn't improved. But, I'm only in the first 30 days of quitting, so I'll give it more time.
Anyone else do like this? I just figure it's part of getting old.