Good Morning!

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:lol: I can so relate... Katy wanted some rest on her day off... Yesterday... Soccer practice was canceled. I came home and took over the kids.. She said, "I really just wanted a real day off and there was no relief from the kids." My response was " WTF is a day off???????" :lol:
My response did not amuse her.. :/:
Looks like another awesome day ahead. Yesterday I burned mine away. Came home from work and sat down to watch TV...woke up three hours later. Just couldn't get any motivation to get up and do something after that.

This morning I've got an estimate at 8, probably hitting the bridal trail with my Mtn bike on the way home. Then hopefully my fork seals will hold up for one more motocross ride.
I need to get awake. The Datsun needs final install on the clutch hydraulics, one FS250 needs a new fuel tank, The two echos need throttle cables. And then I have my honey do list. Need to figure out dinner too...
I'm back home already, at 8:55. I fired another client this morning. It has become a real chore to work for him and I realized that I become irritated just from seeing his name on the caller ID on my phone. This morning he pulls up late, as usual and parks his truck directly across the street from where the chipper truck needs to be. He gets out, the chipper truck pulls up and leaves about a 6'-7' gap in the middle of the busy neighborhood street. He's been doing this for over 20 years and still can't figure out how to park a truck on a jobsite without creating a clusterfark. I yelled at him to move his truck and he yelled back at me to shut up and worry about my job. After a couple exchanges I asked him if he was trying to run me off and he replied in the affirmative. Good riddance.

This is the same guy that broke his foot last month because he was running a pole pruner off a ladder and the limb came back and knocked him off the ladder.
I just can't stand working with fools who create most of their own problems. He was perfectly happy blocking the road and didn't consider it a problem because there wasn't a traffic backlog yet. Just like the guy who doesn't see a problem with setting chainsaws behind the truck tire, it isn't a problem until somebody has to move the truck. And why is it that when the boss needs to talk with the client, the only place they can possibly stand is directly underneath the tree I'm working on? Or in the exact spot where I need to set up the bucket truck?

I have no idea why it bothers me so much that nobody can think more than 3 seconds ahead, but it absolutely infuriates me when the same people constantly do the same dumb things day after day after day. How many times do I have to tell somebody not to stand underneath the guy running a chainsaw?
I just elevated my Mother-in-Law's catalpa tree and proceeded to jam the chute of the chipper with it. Now I am inside where it is warm while my guys unclog my mistake.
Haha, my guys are going to dump and fuel trucks, dropping bucket off for a buddy to paint his house while we go tip some dead trees
I too have a bid to give, then take some pictures of the 4 jobs I have lined up for a Treesmith/LJ collaboration. Nothing special, but I like to know what I'm getting into, figure he does as well. :)
Nope, I dropped Cal 3. Work was too busy and it wasn't enjoyable enough. If work was slow I could spend my days at school working on it/visiting/living the college life, as it stands, that's not the case.
I closed up 7 bin lids, and put a grain auger away. As I had the day off yesterday, I had too much time to think. I got to thinkin' that the SC130 Vermeer stumper belongs on the MT52 Bobcat! I have a plan, and all of the pieces are in or close to the shop.

I don't plan on cannibalizing it too bad, as I will probably need to use it in the original condition, which is a man killer! Not so much running it, but pushing it around and loading it on the truck. I will take pics of the build and start a new thread, IF it works!:/:
It occured to me that you hadn't mentioned school in a while. I'm not too good at doing stuff I don't like to do either.
Walk behind stumpgrinders are better than an axe and shovel. Sounds like a doable project.
Man it feels good in my bed, do I really have to go to work?

Think it's raining out, or did last night. I was on the calendar yesterday to do tick sprays, easy peasy day. The hydrants are closing in 3 weeks and I guess we have a back log of spray work.
Off to the new job, bucket work today...going to cause havoc on the road known as 'Billionaires Row' he he!