Good Morning!

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Ummm, have you ever seen where the oil filter on a '94 F150 5.4L 4X4 is? ALL engineers need a dose of common sense! Even on the floor hoist it was a PITA. The Jeep Compass was a breeze!
I use a strap wrench with a 6" 3/8" extension, no problem, but I'm used to construction equipment so.....................
Trust me guys, I have been called worse!:D

I have an idea for helping the economy, or at least part of it. WTF were they thinkin' when they ventured away from having 2 oil filters for all Chevys, 1 for Fords and Dodge hand 2? I would bet that it was all about manufacturers selling lots of inventory to the shops and dealers. I call it stupid.

In why do they insist on mounting things that require special tools? ANSWER: To sell inflated shop rates to people who can't get a little dirty!

Man I hate these new vehicles with :designed obsolescence"!

Next kid you hear of going into engineering, do him/her a favor and give a shot of common sense right between the eyes!!!:X
Spin on filters generally/nearly always shouldn't be so tight as to require tools to loosen. I currently service about two dozen spin on filters. The last time I needed a tool was when the neighbor's kid tried and tried again removing an oil filter in the wrong direction.

I do use a screw driver and hammer to drain the larger filters before dropping them, most notably is the 550's oil filter that holds half a gallon of liquid black.
Case used a huge hydralic (1 gal plus) that always had a couple gollons in the lines above 'em. I hear ya on the hand tighten/loosen thing. I wasn't the last one to change the oil on the Ford, some goof at a quick change place did!

It wouldn't have been so bad IF you could get ahold of it!!!! Thats an engineering issue!!!! All the old canister oil filter were usually mounted where it was safe and convinient to get to. its just plumbing. My daughter Pontiac G5 has a canister type oil filter. Not bad at all to work on.

I am just ranting a bit. Some of these jerks that design this stuff should have to get their butts outta a chair and actually work on their masterpieces. An FLD 112 requires you un-bolt one motor mount and tip the engine to change the starter on a 50 Series Detroit engine! That was a brite move!
They say the sun might poke out today, I'm excited.

Working solo. Doing some roof clearance on two smallish Beech trees, a small Birch take down, some more limbs in the back over the deck.

Then headed down the street to drop a dead Oak into the woods.
short a groundie again
cant find 1 at the moment
dont care tho
im just going to work
longer and

and keep more $$$$$$ for myself

but god do my feet hurt from packin all that brush after climbing

i figure 5 hours of cutting and 4 to 5 hours to clean up yesterday

today will be worse

i did all the close by stuff yesterday

now its the cypress at the way back of the property
might take 2 days but, i guess its better than being broke with no work
Morning all! Made Vt nothing but rain last few days. Did see Dave and may go crank out a few with him! Almost non existant cell service and dial up definatly the boonies!
Cleaned out one of the grain augers this AM, called a neighbor and am going to help him harvest this afternoon. Great guy that would likely give you the shirt off his back if you asked, but sadly, not the sharpest tool in the shed. He is way behind and farms 3 sections by himself!
Finished a stone wall (dry stack with about 15* batter) that encompasses the corner of a lawn abutting the driveway and sidewalk yesterday, backfilled with soil, planted flowers and shrubs and mulched and got paid and the customer threw in a $100 'tip' too..
Today a Silver Maple cleanup (storm damage).
It's a long was across with a 21 ft Swather!!!! Most of the fields here are 1/4 mile wide X 1 mile long. With the larger seeding drills lots of people are going to 320 acre fields. The reason for 1/4 X 1 mile fields is to prevent wind erosion.

Steve, don't you ever sleep???:lol:

Edit: Fields that run E-W tend to out-yield ones that run N-S
It's been a busy week. I got up about 6:30 went swimming and then took a shower and went back to bed and slept until after 11:00. Didn't make coffee until after 1:00. Now it's after 3:00 and I'm still not dressed. I won't tell my Dad, he will think he failed raising me.
Someday I would like to regularly sleep in to at least 8 am on my day off.. :/:
Unfortunately that would mean my kids are growing up :lol:

Daddy day care is on the clock... I best be getting to dinner.. :lol:
Yeah, there was no rest for me either when I had little kids. They rarely sleep past 7 and when they are up someone needs to be down there with them or they will be catching fire to the kitchen or something. I normally just saw them for a couple of hours in the evening during the week so I enjoyed the weekends to spend all day with them. Of course my Wife encouraged this "hey, I had them all week, it's your turn".