Good Morning!

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Coffee is brewing, I don't have any tree work lined up. Trying to think of what I can do to liven things up around here. My tractor has a bunch of oil leaks maybe I will try and tackle that.
coffees on here to. gotta go fuel one truck and dump another before the crew comes in. got a big cemetary to bid today, hope to get it as work is slowing
off to kill a handful of baby hemlocks that were topped by a neighbor. get to replant in spring. probably back here shortly after lunch. :) have a safe day y'all!
Well I am DONE.

I brought the old leaf pack with the new main leaf into the guy I bought them from to have it installed. Got there and he schooled me on leaf springs. Turns out the whole pack was shot. The leafs started getting gaps in between, and started getting a wavy shape, thats a NO NO.

So for $250ish, I got a whole new leaf assembly. Its HD with 1700lbs of extra capacity per spring. The driver side of the truck looks like its got a lift kit now. Probably 2-3 inches higher.

Going to pick up the other side maybe tommorrow. Easy peasy job. Everything went well for a change.
I guess so. I walked in and he said "You must have around 100k on these". 94k it is. He was showing me on the spring, that OEM have varying size individual leafs. The top where a little thicker than the middles, which were a little thinner than the bottems. He said he sees it offen, just from the design of the spring.

The new springs are all the same thickness, which makes em over a 1/2" overall thickness than the OEM unit.

This shop was strictly leaf springs, from top to bottem.

Seemed to know his shite.
It will more than likely ride like the proverbial lumber wagon until you get some weight on it.
See Ya
I'm up. Still on my first cup of :coffee2: I have one very dead tree to put on the ground later this morning and I have 5-6 slightly dull saws in the truck. At some point this morning I'll go out and prep saws before my job.
Be too, first cup of joe. Planning my day to get ready for the party tonight. Have to drop off the goodies for the soldiers at the farmers market, get the tree over to the restaurant, may go quote with John.....

Have a safe day Brian with that dead tree.
Saturday morning! Time to do nothing much all day! I remember as a kid watching cartoons all morning. Ha! They just don't hold the same appeal nowadays. Plus, they seem to have gotten a 'lil weird.
Saws are all prepped, cooler is loaded and I'm about ready to head out in a few minutes. I have a couple other jobs to look at after lunch.
I'm kicken myself.Snow on the way or so they say.As soon as I wake up I'll get moving on the last of the leaves after I finally got my vac back working.

As soon as I get time I'll analize the 038 to see what it needs.Might be a few days,I have lots of irons in the fire at the moment.
My leg is stiff... I think I'll whine about it a while... maybe Junior will feel sorry for me and work harder today.

...what am I thinking? He's been calling me a dumbass ever since seeing the cut.
sipping coffee and baby sitting so the missus can sleep in a bit. hes infatuated with the printer cable