Double wrap climbline or lanyard on spars?

I'm gonna have to try your method Bermy. It sounds intriguing.

I'm not crazy about that method, the hips tend to get pinched due to the direction of pull on side dees
Not an everyday thing, just another tool in the box. You can't always be comfortable in my experience
Double wrap the coconuts...or sometimes just a crossover works to get that extra purchase on a skinny but not slippery tree. Clip flipline on right D, go around left side of tree, round, then back to left hip, line is crossed in front of you but not wrapped all the way.

Good one, memory bank that one for sure.
I like SRT choked off down to my Gri gri. I have the Croll at my sternum and almost always add that before the back cut. I find that it helps take some of the weight of the waist and helps hold the upper body stead fast to throw off the cookies.
Along Cory's mentioning, the first time I was lifted up by a crane with my safety over the hook, I had my attachment points on the side Ds. Quick lesson via almost excruciating pain.
I'm not crazy about that method, the hips tend to get pinched due to the direction of pull on side dees

I guess that could happen, never been a problem for me...'nother trick in the bag if you need it!
I've double wrapped before but not very often. Climbing with no safety is not a solid technique but it depends on the tree, I'm not advocating it, to each their own. On certain trees up and in can be alot more easily done without it.
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Depends how far or where I'm going.

I'm not advocating it, but y'all haven't seen someone pass a limb or enter a tree un-safetied? I bet you've seen plenty more of that than double wrapping a lanyard?
I'm not saying I make it habit either, I'm a very safe(read scaredy cat) climber. But if the situation seems safe to me I may freeclimb some spots. IF it seems perfectly safe(that specific tree/situation) to me.
I get what you are saying.
I am also not passing judgement either, I think that if you feel safe in your heart of hearts then go for it.
Lanyard Usage

Do ya'll wear a seatbelt to drive down the road a block? YES!
How about using your turn signals, out in the boondocks? Do you use them? YES!
Do you instinctively say "Yes, ma'am" and "Yes sir?" W/O thinking? YES!
My point is...​

Using your lanyard every time should be an automatic, muscle memory type of thing.

At the very least your lanyard's that one thing every climber wants: a third arm/hand. And at the MOST? It's your frickin lifesaver!

Using your PPE every time should be an automatic, muscle memory type of thing.

Fixed! ;)
Butch, I agree with that 100%.

Having taken a bad fall while freeclimbing, I learned my lesson.
Butch I also agree with you 100%.
Here is my method of double wrapping a lanyard. Designed primarily for utility pole climbing.
Its a Canadian made product called the Jelco Pole Choker 3.
Works excellent on smooth bark trees from 24" to 8" diameter, especially on trees covered with ice. If the climber spurs out there is sharp teeth on the lanyard to stop the fall as the 3rd picture shows.
The yellow strap works great locking the lanyard solid onto the stem for work positioning while doing rigging work etc.
Not cheap though it cost me over $800 CDN 6 years ago.
The company has other different sizes and models



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