
Never used one. I think they hit the market after I was long since looking for a rope grab :). Looks much like a Petzl Micro or Macrograb.
My 5/8" mechanical isn't great. It was a cheaper one, not Gibbs or Petzl. I'll check the brand.

I've come to like the twisted clevis connection. A wire gate biner, gently used at/ toward the opening end/ non-pivoting with most of the work done by finger strength, adds just enough oomph to open and close it, if I'm switching to rope lanyards. Otherwise, it lives on my saddle.

Wonder if the Petzl would accommodate a 3/4" 3-strand with wire- core.
I see the appeal of a 5/8" flipline on a straight stem fir or similar, would there be any appeal of a larger flipline in the broad spreading oak, silver maples, hackberry etc that we have on the east coast?
biggest ive flipped up was 48" diameter and had to roll my flipline (half inch line)
I use a rope lanyard when needed, but mostly a steel core for the little extra cut resistance, easier to move around, and a few other reasons, perhaps a 5/8" would suit me better or just stick with the half inch?
I see the appeal of a 5/8" flipline on a straight stem fir or similar, would there be any appeal of a larger flipline in the broad spreading oak, silver maples, hackberry etc that we have on the east coast?
biggest ive flipped up was 48" diameter and had to roll my flipline (half inch line)
I use a rope lanyard when needed, but mostly a steel core for the little extra cut resistance, easier to move around, and a few other reasons, perhaps a 5/8" would suit me better or just stick with the half inch?
the 5/8“ is easier to hang on to why rolling. since i switched to 5/8“ rope lanyard for (larger) removals, my hands have gotten better.

smaller removals and pruning, i like to use 1/2“ rope with a splice. :)
Ive ran a 2 in 1 and hated it, DEDA lanyard works alright, I prefer to take a rope lanyard up with me and flip flop between my flipline and lanyard as needed to pass limbs, or use my climbing line on my lower D's lanyard on hip D's
climbing line functions as a long lanyard in this setup, SRT or DRT device, hitch climber, almost any adjuster works for this just fine
starting off, I would just get an ART positioner swivel, and 15ft tritech with a snap, will be a few hundred bucks but well worth it
I wanted the 2 in 1 to be a good idea so badly , removed the Pussik and bought a Klimair two way grab with swivel and climbed ... still a no
I wanted the 2 in 1 to be a good idea so badly , removed the Pussik and bought a Klimair two way grab with swivel and climbed ... still a no
the odds of the wood you are currently standing in being the perfect diameter to swap ends efficiently is near zero
I have used a homemade 2 in 1 as a double tie in before, but have wised up since then
ClimbRight. It just doesn't move nice. You can't let it out under tension of course, but it's also hard to draw in. Takes more effort than I'd prefer.
Petzl micrograb ( the black one) is what you're after. Feeds easy but not so easy that it gobbles slack up. Releases under load as well. Very simple and durable. Mines on it's 3rd flipline. I'm usually not a big petzl fan but this thing breaks the mold for me.
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Thanks all for the advice and opinions.
I ordered the TriTech 15' with a single ISC snap, a Climb Right Mini rope grab and a Rock Exoctica Pirate wire eye carabiner.
I read so many reviews on the mechanical grabbers it seems its all down to personal preference. Perhaps I will upgrade the rope grab when the funds are better for me.
I'll post back when my order comes in from treestuff and I climb with it.
I run a 15ft tritech for the last couple years and I use a 26in 9.3mm epicord tied in a 4 wrap Michoacán with an isc phlotich pulley. Super easy to tend slack, run out, and only has about an inch of sit back. Hope you like what you got and welcome to the tree house!