Administrator Emeritus
Pretty crazy price. I was thinking along the same lines, some type of connecting bridge, something like that version.
Yep thats what Acklands Grainger charged me ,I believe their closer to a $1000 now. Here in Canada where our population is 1/10 of the US our prices revolve around supply and demand.$800?!!!
Pretty well all of our hydro/ utility companies are government owned here in Canada, so these safety equipment companies charge what they can. I agree its a crazy price but if you check their website they have been in business since the late 1800s. They make good stuff. www.jelco.caPretty crazy price. I was thinking along the same lines, some type of connecting bridge, something like that version.
Do ya'll wear a seatbelt to drive down the road a block? YES!
How about using your turn signals, out in the boondocks? Do you use them? YES!
Do you instinctively say "Yes, ma'am" and "Yes sir?" W/O thinking? YES!
My point is...
Using your lanyard every time should be an automatic, muscle memory type of thing.
At the very least your lanyard's that one thing every climber wants: a third arm/hand. And at the MOST? It's your frickin lifesaver!
Using your PPE every time should be an automatic, muscle memory type of thing.
three point climbing through say thicker conifers
the same can happen with a lanyard.
Some interesting stories about Everest, being able to see dead people on a regular basis.
About 5 yrs ago one of the best tree climbers in Canada had a near fatal accident. While pruning a big elm roaming around limbwalking the end of his climbing line went through his friction hitch, [ he forgot to put a figure 8 on the end of his new climbing line.] He fell 50 ft doing all kinds of injuries, broken back arm leg, collapsed lung, even run his broken Jameson pole through his guts. But he survived and 1 yr later he is back on the job.
I don't care who you are, all I can say is you really have to have your shit together in this business.
Human breadcrumb trail...LOL
Yep Dave Lutes. CBC had a news video on Dave after his accident and I can no longer find it anywhere. I've known Dave since the ArborMaster Canada Training days, I was always impressed with the guy how he motivated people. Toughest arborist I ever met.You speak of Mr. Lutes I presume? Wild story for sure!