August Hunicke Videos

Jed, you wouldn't say that if you knew the AA program. It's like church, only with honest people.
LOL Cory!! "you are the only one that does"

Not an offensive statement I made there, it comes from a very well established line of reasoning and experience. I am confident that some research in the program would have Jed's partial "approvement" of the statement.
Easy Jed. AA is a faith based organization. Church is great but I'm pretty sure if you mentioned a drinking problem to the priest, pastor, minister, etc... They would steer you to AA.
Easy Jed. AA is a faith based organization. Church is great but I'm pretty sure if you mentioned a drinking problem to the priest, pastor, minister, etc... They would steer you to AA.

Sure Rich. (And August) Never really meant to bust on AA per se, and God knows I may be taking advantage of their services before all is said and done... however... uhh... I think that if ol August finds more honest folks in AA than are in his church... might be high-time to trade-up brother, just sayin.

Gary: Fair enough. Not a monopoly... but just as some men and churches have more money than others... so it is with Truth.
Just do a little research on how it works. There is nothing more Orthodox than AA. What I'm saying is addiction leads to a place where honesty is the difference between life-and-death. People going somewhere to save their lives, in a literal right-now sense, have a tendency to be more honest and easier to read as a whole, (per capita) than church groups.
Some of my most respected humans are in church groups but wow, some of the worst ones too, and everything in between. Most any dreg in an AA group has a refreshing transparency about him though.
Fellowship with other like minded individuals would be my guess.

The more people around you that believe in what you believe = belief reinforcement.
Good answers. Thanks. I had to Google fellowship though. I'm the opposite....I feel better equipped to face up to things if I'm stood alone. Same as the God aspect....if I want to speak to God, I wouldn't want anyone in between.
Just do a little research on how it works. There is nothing more Orthodox than AA. What I'm saying is addiction leads to a place where honesty is the difference between life-and-death. People going somewhere to save their lives, in a literal right-now sense, have a tendency to be more honest and easier to read as a whole, (per capita) than church groups.
Some of my most respected humans are in church groups but wow, some of the worst ones too, and everything in between. Most any dreg in an AA group has a refreshing transparency about him though.

Hella well written post!
What do you get from going to church, anybody ?

In Orthodoxy? Oh, nuthin much... we just eat the body and drink the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Maybe that's my double... beer or whisky just tastes like water after that.
Is that what you believe Jed, that you're eating eating and drinking Christ's body and blood ? What is the benefit ? Thanks
They're emblems to remember Christ's life on this earth and his blood freely given for our sins. It fulfilled the passover where the unblemished lamb was brought into the home, slain, it's blood placed on the door posts and it's body eaten.