August Hunicke Videos

"Really dug seeing other arbs getting the AH vid treatment. That was hysterical when some dope let that big piece swing back into Lawrence and he says 'what did I say about letting it run??????' The tone of voice was utterly priceless."
Yes, loved it.

"Just kinda going chronologically here, AH, what is the antal ring for above your friction hitch? "
just something I tried as a way to distance my fingers from the friction heat emission that comes out of the top of that VT.

"August, no one else gets it, why would they, why should they? I suppose with your vid/story skills, you could put something together that will catch the attention of 'civilians', but generally no one cares. Obviously."
Tree life has always impacted me greatly. I find it difficult to be impacted greatly and not want to talk about it. And the women I have met in a romantical way in my life, come nowhere near grasping that impact and i've had to adjust. No biggie anymore, but I find it interesting.

"So true, btw ,what travor said re ground guys having no clue about what it is like up there if they haven't been there."
Yes, love that he pointed that out.

"That was cool how you talked about breaking a deck on Mercer Island. Ya know how communicating about any problem, getting it off your chest, can make it feel better? Just hearing about that put it in perspective, hey a deck got broken, its repairable, no big deal. Could happen to any of us. Embarrassing of course but whatev."
The whole story is quite memorable.

"August, you seem to constantly use new, updated gear. On the one hand it must be nice to try the latest and greatest, but on the other hand, don't you miss using tried and true ....."
I don't really miss anything. I keep myself entertained by playing with different things.

"The Sound of Silence music was bad ass in there."
I had a total blast with that.

"Btw, I think Lawrence will have kids."

I agree. Lawrence was just having fun being dramatic.
Volume issues for me.... Way loud then cant hear the guy... Oh well.. Like the interview ideas..

Dang, that sucks. I played with the volume a lot. Had terrible sound from the other guys.
Used three soundtracks of Lawrence to get the volume that high. Two of Travor who's voice tends to spike too loud and then be hard to hear right afterwards. Plus had background noise.
Dan's voice came through pretty good when he was in his truck outback.
Not exactly a studio situation.
I think the pros know all this stuff and have equipment to deal with it.
But that's not me.
I had some down time so I let it buffer for a while and then started it. I really enjoyed it. Still feel like there are bees crawling around my head and in my shirt:shifty:
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Hey thanks for the responses, August.

Keep it up! your latest vids have been breaking alot of new ground.
great vid. i swear i'm not as psycho i come across in the vid :|: just trying to keep it lively ;)
that Dan seems like a stand up guy and Travor & his whole crew should just have a reality show, The Real Big Bad Wood!
amazing amount of editing in there, so many little subtle things, i just dont have the patience and skill. August, you are the Arbor Lucas, Tree Spielberg, Branch-ly Kubrick, ah you know what i'm trying to say
Another great vid by August! I always wanted to get into climbing and just never really did until I came across your vids. I can say they set the hook in me tho.
Now I'm an addict and its all I want to do. Thanks again and keep them coming!
Not yet, but you're getting there!

HA!!! Yeah, right Butch!!! That's pro stuff all day long any day of the week, and you know it!! "Not yet,..." HA... Whatever.

August: Don't quite know what to say. Your talent is just, uhh, kinda ridiculous. I'm really and completely amazed that you do this for such a modicum (if any??) personal profit.

What can I say but thanks a TON, good brother, and stay the course. Don't go changin up... unless they offer you a ton of money, bro... That'd be quite a different matter. ;)
Yeah, Law, you make moviemaking easy to do.
Thanks dstimber/Jed.
Jed, hard work always pays in one way or another.
See, man... ya had some dang good wood in there after all, man... what'd I tell ya... Ya just never, never know. Don't be such a Debbie Downer. ;)

No man, seriously... good on ya for getting out of Facebook. Can't stand it personally. DEATH TO FACEBOOK! :rockon:

EDIT!... WAIT!... SAMUEL!!! How do YOU get to know Cory's real name? :X You suck man ;) I wanna be Cory's BFF :X :smilebox:

Man, I gotta quit drinkin. How'd you do it Auggie?
Don't know what Samuel part is about Jed?
I quit drinking by going to AA.
Still go regularly.
It's about quitting drinking in the beginning but then it turns into a great program for how to live. Better than church.
I just reconnected with my BFF from grade school just the other day.

We talked for an hour and a half last night, reliving the old daze...
Better than church.

AHHHrrrgh!! DUDE! I will very magnanimously PRETEND I didn't hear that. What the!... "Better than Church".... "Ah, why yes my dear Jed... I insist that AA is better than the body of Christ. Why yes... now that I properly consider the matter... well... better than Church I say..."

What! Dude. Might be time to consider converting from the more Bible-church, Protestant, American stuff to a more Orthodox view.

More better, I'm tellin ya! Ahhh forget the Samuel thing, I guess... I was probably... no... all that happened was that Cory had responded to a post, and then I thought that you said, "Thank you Samuel." And I thought that you knew his real name, and I got real jealous. The dude's mysterious, I'm tellin ya. The guy's got mad tree skills and decent pic posting skills but he just flies under the radar.

Get up here Cory! Darn Ya!!