Jesus Kreist, that vid compelled me to comment.
Ok. Slow, kinda boring start, laying the groundwork for yet another tree job. Typical minutia of a groundie using makeshift tools ("wrong bar for it") and super forgettable August Hunicke-style crew banter.
Then, Whoah!
You hit us up with that radically awesome Inya song combined with the far away drone shot, slowly zooming in to reveal Dan halfway up the gnarly f'g tree. It created a sense of, Ok, first we saw the mundane set-up stuff that is part of most every tree job, but now, Get Ready for the Art.
And then, the slowly rising shot up the tree trunk showing dangling ropes with chit and debris falling as Dan works his way up. It gave a sense of the height and risk involved, and got the viewer primed for action.
That vanilla beginning, followed by the very attention-grabbing context-shots, made for a very intriguing juxtaposition.
At that point I was thinking, holy chit we may have a masterpiece tree vid developing here. And also, that this drone cameraman has a serious talent for cinematography. I was like, did they plan all this out ahead of time?
And then boom. Scratch all that and cut back to just another run of the mill takedown vid.

The literal scratching sound was probably meant to be kinda funny, but chit, I think you dropped the ball there. You had the makings of a gem but let it go into just another tree vid.
At 3.30, your rope man aint doing you any favors in that dead tree, smh.
Not trying to be negative. Was just disappointed that a vid that seemed to be developing beautifully, turned in an instant to...been there/done that.
Perhaps I'm reading way too much into the vid, but between the music and those 2 early drone shots, I was like, Wow!! This is going to be incredible!
Interesting that those first 2 drone shots appear to be in reverse chronological order, which strengthened the overall flow of that section of the vid.