August Hunicke Videos

They're emblems to remember Christ's life on this earth and his blood freely given for our sins. It fulfilled the passover where the unblemished lamb was brought into the home, slain, it's blood placed on the door posts and it's body eaten.

Interesting. Thanks
What do you get from going to church, anybody ?

Reg I don't regularly attend church but I do know that the content and message is going to vary (possibly dramatically) congregation to congregation. Sometimes the guy running the show is a talented individual who can take those old bible stories and make them seem relevant to day to day life. And sometimes he's going to be a dud and the whole thing much less worthwhile. Some churches also help to reinforce good old fashioned family values or in many cases offer minority/immigrant groups a way to create a foundation for their community.
Is that what you believe Jed, that you're eating eating and drinking Christ's body and blood ? What is the benefit ? Thanks

A word from you, and I will entitle a new thread in the Religion forum (Im worried about an indecorous derail) entitled Responsio ad Reginald. Because, of course, that's not an easy question.

The short answer which is different from Willie's (the symbolic one which started in the sixteenth century) is that, yes, I believe that I am literally eating and drinking the body of Christ; and that the benefit is eternal life. However, since this is a really insuficient explanation, I'll leave it to you to provoke a more in-deapth response in the religion thread, which up till now has been largely dominated by a bunch of folks who only trust in what is directly under their noses. (The Empirical Method)
Go ahead Jed. But only if you have the time and energy to get into the whole thing. You're short answer/explanation is bizzare on its own, to me. Which is why I'd be interested to hear a more in depth one; how you came to believe, and any such personal experience that may have happeNed to reinforce that belief. But, only if you have time Jed. I know it's a very personal no worries if you'd rather leave it right here. Thanks again.
The Catholics confessional booth thing is actually a pretty good concept. I'm not sure I would trust the post confessional advice but the confession part seems solid.
Seems like I did it one time, when I was very young. Pretty sure we all had to do it before we took our First Communion.

I had something on my mind that was bothering me quite a bit. Told the priest what it was and felt much better about it afterwards. He gave me some pretty good advice, but there was no order to recite 20 rosaries which I was thankful for!
Good to hear on the advice. I have a friend who is Catholic who had some trouble and I told him to go see his priest (though I'm not Catholic.) Priest gave him great advice but also told him to do some of that prayer repetition stuff.
It used to be used as a punishment, which I think is not a good idea.

Any time I got caught making paper airplanes out of the prayer books or putting salt in the Sister's tea, it was 20 rosaries! Man, them Sisters were deadly with a yardstick and an ear twist too.

Didn't do me any harm actually.
Dude your voice sounds real tired, get some well deserved rest if you need it!
Good show on those trees...have not lowered with the belly of a rope before....interesting concept...thanks.

I thought the same as Cory on your last video, August (Hungry Squirrel) sound pretty tired, at the low end of your energy spectrum.

Take care of yourself.

Like seeing y'all wear those seatbelts...I am still paying attention.:D;)
Go ahead Jed. But only if you have the time and energy to get into the whole thing. You're short answer/explanation is bizzare on its own, to me. Which is why I'd be interested to hear a more in depth one; how you came to believe, and any such personal experience that may have happeNed to reinforce that belief. But, only if you have time Jed. I know it's a very personal no worries if you'd rather leave it right here. Thanks again.

No problem Reg. I'll start a new thread in the Religion forum for those who are interested. I'm thinking the subject would be best attacked in smaller, successive posts rather than in one long and potentially boring hash-out; that way those who are interested can feel free to post whatever relevant thoughts or questions they have along the way.

August: Nice work. I love people like you and Buckin who don't always do the most expedient thing just because it's the most expedient thing... but because doing it another way just seems funner. My old foreman was made to cut down his first really big second-growth Fir with a crosscut saw. He was blown-away by what he learned... being able to "walk" the tree out of limb clash from the other trees by cutting up the wood on one corner more than another, then squaring it up again, and then even repeating the process, but from the other side... all before the tree began to fall. Gotta mix it up.
Gotta love a cushy Friday.
I've heard using the belly of the line referred to as span rigging. That was a perfect setup for it. Gary if you do try it out, it's a lot like double block rigging. It takes less wraps to control the load but eats up a lot more rope.
The rope Jack is a great little tool to have. One of my coworkers bought one. We don't use it every day but boy does it come in handy when you need to tension a lowering line.

Enjoyed this on my hot relaxing Sunday.
Thanks, Rich...good points. I have used 2 blocks and 2 ropes before but not just one rope like that. I have about 300 feet of good strong static line that could work for that. I'll keep the technique in mind now that I was made aware of it.
Showing that gear modification reminded me of the old times when you were posting awesome videos, but taking some flack for still climbing on a taut line or blakes... you've come a long way in that regard... good stuff!