Chris E
I'm Not Slash
Very impressive 

Never been that far into Oregon. Went from Vale to John Day to the Dells, to Pendelton once.
I loved it.
Haha, I learned last night I'm pretty good at making pitchers mounds too but that'll never pay the bills! I wish I could build things outta wood, I'm a lousy carpenter. If it's not secure, add more screwsBtw, master arborist credentials combined with what sounds like pretty deep mechanical experience....that's a winning combination!
Awesome,that was the job that was talked about in the work pictures thread recently correct?
I'm glad im not the only one that had to deal with the baby face/beard dilemma,so funny how people are 😂.
I would tell people about that and I'd sware i may be losing my mind.
Tried to watch it. To long for lunch especially with the slow wifi where I'm at. Watched the bees. Made me relive some bad memories. I'm jumpy just from seeing it. I'll check out the rest when I get home tomorrow. Probably not gonna be sleeping through the night for a while anyhow.