August Hunicke Videos

Awesome,that was the job that was talked about in the work pictures thread recently correct?

I'm glad im not the only one that had to deal with the baby face/beard dilemma,so funny how people are 😂.
I would tell people about that and I'd sware i may be losing my mind.
August: I had almost forgotten to tell you about my little experience watching your lightning Red vid. Wow. I actually used it in a talk I had with my wife, (disgusting wallow in self-pity) about what a loser I thought I was, and how other people were out there rockin it. I'm not kiddn ya... made her watch it to the end. I loved it. And now Willie's amazing one. Don't they tell ya somewhere that it's bad to compare yourself to other people? Cory tried to help me out with that.

I didn't really track with the rope-chippin one too much. But that video-log style one... as others have already suggested... that just seems like you are yet again breaking into brand-new ground. I can't wait to see where this all ends up.
Never been that far into Oregon. Went from Vale to John Day to the Dells, to Pendelton once.

I loved it.

Then you haven't been! That's all high desert, I much prefer the green side of the state!
Btw, master arborist credentials combined with what sounds like pretty deep mechanical experience....that's a winning combination!
Haha, I learned last night I'm pretty good at making pitchers mounds too but that'll never pay the bills! I wish I could build things outta wood, I'm a lousy carpenter. If it's not secure, add more screws :dur:
Awesome,that was the job that was talked about in the work pictures thread recently correct?

I'm glad im not the only one that had to deal with the baby face/beard dilemma,so funny how people are 😂.
I would tell people about that and I'd sware i may be losing my mind.

I had a lady shut the door in my face once cause she thought Willie had sent some kid to consult with her! But it really hasn't been a huge deal mostly. I couldn't grow a beard to save my life sooooo
Good to see you again, Willie.

I can't get over how much your operation has grown since I visited.
Schweet work, Willie of da baby face! Hey if you'd like some wrinkles, I seem to have some extras lying around. August, well done, master!
Tried to watch it. To long for lunch especially with the slow wifi where I'm at. Watched the bees. Made me relive some bad memories. I'm jumpy just from seeing it. I'll check out the rest when I get home tomorrow. Probably not gonna be sleeping through the night for a while anyhow.
Tried to watch it. To long for lunch especially with the slow wifi where I'm at. Watched the bees. Made me relive some bad memories. I'm jumpy just from seeing it. I'll check out the rest when I get home tomorrow. Probably not gonna be sleeping through the night for a while anyhow.

Thanks, yeah it starts out a little slow and heats up. Video strictly for the diehard viewers. Probably a lot of people will tune out before it gets good. Or watch it in stages as time permits.
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Nice August! I swear you just keep getting better at editing,you got some skillz there bro&#55357;&#56397;

I agree about the bees,first time i seen that vid i was thinking wtf are ya hangin around for?!

Stoked on the speedline kit! Can't wait to get it&#55357;&#56833;
I like the comic book style. It was too long to watch the whole thing, I skipped around a bit though. What exactly are you going for here, August? Were you trying to make it seem as if all 4 narratives were taking place at once? I don't understand the need to have the bits with you in there.
Well, I was telling the story of that job. And I figured interview material from other climbers was more interesting than a soundtrack. So I used that job as a backdrop for the soundtrack which was the other guys answers to interview questions.
Seemed more original than just grabbing another music soundtrack.
I also used that job as a place to pose the questions from, which seemed original.
But I got tired and consumed by the scope of work and didn't post the last two questions from the job. Instead I just sort of added them at the end.
"What's your favorite sound?"
And, "would you choose it again?"
Whelp, I would give that a 9 outta 10. Not that you need or want my opinion, but it's just reflective of the feeling I came away with after watching. Ok, Trevor is apparently focking nuts, the way he dealt with the bees. SMH.

Really dug seeing other arbs getting the AH vid treatment. That was hysterical when some dope let that big piece swing back into Lawrence and he says 'what did I say about letting it run??????' The tone of voice was utterly priceless.

Just kinda going chronologically here, AH, what is the antal ring for above your friction hitch?

Traver has quite the tree climber personality, for sure.

August, no one else gets it, why would they, why should they? I suppose with your vid/story skills, you could put something together that will catch the attention of 'civilians', but generally no one cares. Obviously. So true, btw ,what travor said re ground guys having no clue about what it is like up there if they haven't been there.

That was cool how you talked about breaking a deck on Mercer Island. Ya know how communicating about any problem, getting it off your chest, can make it feel better? Just hearing about that put it in perspective, hey a deck got broken, its repairable, no big deal. Could happen to any of us. Embarrassing of course but whatev.

August, you seem to constantly use new, updated gear. On the one hand it must be nice to try the latest and greatest, but on the other hand, don't you miss using tried and true old, favorite gear?

The Sound of Silence music was bad ass in there.

Well done, AH. Gawd the amount of time and work that goes into that vid, I guess if you never sleep you can get it all done no problem;)

Btw, I think Lawrence will have kids. :drink:
I kinda agree with Levi, your tree job going in the middle of the other arb's features was kinda confusing or distracting.
Well Cory, I'm out on bids. It's true, I don't sleep. I will have to answer these questions later.

Surprised it seemed distracting, I literally showed every phase of that removal from start to finish.
To me that is flow. And I used spotty and limited footage from the other guys to enhance their interview answers. Dan's was literally shot in the dark and so was very difficult to work with and Travor has a giant smudge right in the middle of his lens and a lot of background noise and 100 takes Per question LOL.
Lawrences interview answer footage was solid though.