August Hunicke Videos

great vid August, you're a natural born story teller/ professional ranter :) in the bay area in Cali there was a rope + chipper related death before i moved here. now it seems to be protocol when climber and chipper are in any sort of proximity for the ground crew to stage the brush till the climbing is done, then chip it all. occasionally they may do a quick chipping in the middle if the piles are getting outta hand but brush and rope are already far from each other. seems to be a good system, sounds slower but it's really not. as a climber you appreciate not having to worry about your rope, the job sight being quieter without the chipper going and having the whole crew focusing on getting the branches down and you out of the tree.
Hi Dwight, good to see you on here!
Master blaster TV I reckon.

The staging of brush is something I've seen the French do a lot, although I think it more likely because of danger of falling branches whilst someone is trying to snatch something.
In a situation like I had yesterday where one branch would fill the garden and the chipper was at the gate 20 meters away it wouldn't work.
Lot depends on situation, type of tree, size of chipper, amount of ground staff etc.
Length of climbing line is a big issue, over on AT I've seen threads where newbies are buying 50mtrs of climbing line as a kind of macho thing.
They'll never use all that over here, it's just going to sit there under the tree getting caught up with everything.

Edit it's Laurence not Dwight isn't it? Sorry! Wasn't Dwight in the A-team?
great vid August, you're a natural born story teller/ professional ranter :) in the bay area in Cali there was a rope + chipper related death before i moved here. now it seems to be protocol when climber and chipper are in any sort of proximity for the ground crew to stage the brush till the climbing is done, then chip it all. occasionally they may do a quick chipping in the middle if the piles are getting outta hand but brush and rope are already far from each other. seems to be a good system, sounds slower but it's really not. as a climber you appreciate not having to worry about your rope, the job sight being quieter without the chipper going and having the whole crew focusing on getting the branches down and you out of the tree.

I agree!

For my small crew (one grondie) I make him stage all brush and only chip when Im done.....I hate hearing the chipper full blast while up in the tree

But if it has to be done Ive been wearing a backpack with 120ft of rope on removals so no rope deployed or near ground....SRT trimming, no go...
Can't imagine many jobs here where there would be enough room to do that.

Of course, if the tree is behind the house and the chipper is out front, the risk of chipping a climb line is pretty minimal.
My brotha, that raised the bar for sure. Very creative and out of the box, kind of touching on your overall philosophy of life, it seemed. The drone input was priceless and not overdone. What was the backpack for up in the bucket? The hi-resoulution slo mo was very cool with its slowness and clarity; I loved watching the humboldt do its work.

The only area that needs improvement imo and I'm sure it is simple to do: the sound levels varied greatly so I had to repeatedly adjust the volume instead of keeping at one level throughout.

That vid was obviously still a tree vid that we can all dig here at da House but it also was trending toward being a slice of life vid that could appeal to the general public who watch vid bloggers like that guy you mentioned earlier that puts out a vid/day. Fwiw, you and your stuff is far more interesting than that dude, his stuff seems like he's trying to make something out of nothing and struggling to do it. You have the meat n potatoes of General Treework as the core of the vid which gives it compelling substance. :drink:
Thanks for the review Cory. Helps a lot.
What does egress mean Butch?
I looked it up but I still didn't understand its meaning. It looks like a computer term.