Wood stove heat

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Kevin. I have a high efficiency nearly new natural gas forced air furnace ducted throughout the house. Slightly oversized for the home, heats well. And then I have my two wood heaters. All costs aside, as obviously firewood is easier to come by here so is a nobrainer as far as cost. Cost aside, the wood is way way nicer heat than the gas furnace. There's no two ways about it. The gas heat doesn't deliver like the wood does.

Its true I dont curl up in front of my furnace and lose myself in the flames for hours.
Cant it be fixed Stig??
No, it is a sign that the boiler is corroded somewhere.
It is no big surprice, since I've had it for quite a number of years.
They usually last about 10 years, and this one is older than that.
I used to build a fire in the fireplace quite often as a kid.

My favorite thing was to place a little piece of wood between two big pieces of wood. As it burned and started to sag I would pretend that it was a bridge and people were trying to get across before it fell.

Later on I helped burn down a friend's barn.

Anyone else do that?

... Michelle Shocked has a great song about such events
Helped my ol man demo a house and a barn one day. Lit'em both off. A half hour in to the burn and it was unreal. Wouldn't be allowed to do that these days.
My neighbour about 15 years ago burned the old home on his place on Christmas Eve. Intentionally I mean, never told or asked anyone about it. It was a big snow storm and the fire trucks came and were getting stuck everywhere on my road(where I lived before was quite steep). Good ole papa John, crazy old European guy always packing schlivilviz(sp?) which I'm sure translates to moonshine over here, he made it himself even.

In the end apparently a donation to the fire hall saved him from being fined.

And Jim, that sounds pretty lazy for a farmer :P. Packing wood is child's play. Seriously, make your children do it. :D. I've heated with wood my whole life, with these modern stoves it seems almost effortless to me.

Y'all can keep enjoying your heating gasses, if I was closer I'd stop by to visit so I could cool off. Lol.
That old bugger has ambushed me more than once with his flask of shlivavitz. He always told me he had a shot of it first thing every morning. The best way to start the day. Uhhhh, not for me thanks.
I might of had some of that once. I did a job for a late middle age chech woman and her mother. I'm not sure what mom was saying but I wasn't gonna leave without taking a drink with her. Within minutes I realized I needed someone else to drive the truck back to the shop. Good stuff. I just remember her daughter said it was made from plums
This seems to be my burden to bare. For some reason many 80+ year old women love me. Damn these ruggedly handsome good looks!:D
I am pretty sure Peter knows all about this stuff.

Seems like he mentioned it before.

If you mean me, I have a basic understanding, but no working knowledge. I only helped my Dad build his basement still. He makes wicked deadly jet fuel, from plumbs and pears.

No the daughter was explaining that her mother wanted to warm your plumbs

Dobry!! ;)
OK so an update on the PE Summit

Had it about 2 months and it still hasnt got cold enough to appreciate it bit if it tells you anything I bought my machinists one for Xmass. We put it in yesterday, seems crazy in December to swap stoves but it was 68 degrees !!!!

Love walking around in boxers with the doors open !!
I am reading this and am almost laughing. I've been thinking the same thing. I'm sitting here in my boxers with the door open to the garage and my living room window open watching a movie. Got my beer on the window sill so it doesn't get warm to fast:hotsun:
bump to a fine thread here.

Yes indeed, wood heat rocks.

I just bought a second eco fan for my wood stove top so that I'll have two on there, each pointing in a slightly different direction.

It was funny, the first eco fan I had was sketchy, it had a mind of it's own, sometimes on a hot fire it wouldn't spin much and other times on a weak fire it would act like it's about to take flight. So eventually I changed out the motor and now it is awesome, spins like a mofo, very dependably. I think the original motor must have been defective.

Anyone else use one? We have the stove in the family room/kitchen area, keeps things toasty and saves on the oil heat. I split by hand which is cool, only downside really is that sometimes I don't have adequate time, but so far I seem to get it done sooner or later every year.

"Anything dry" is good wood but my go-to fave is Locust

face cord is going for near $200 here mixed hardwood delivered. everyone is burning while working at home. its hard to find.
Eco fan is “da bomb” for sure ... just have a spare motor on hand in case the original takes a dump
face cord is going for near $200 here mixed hardwood delivered. everyone is burning while working at home. its hard to find.
Selling seasoned 1.5 yrs face cords of WNY mixed ash,hard maple and red oak for $80 and they are goin like hot cakes ... Price goes to $90 after Dec 1st ... Customer p/u only ... I’ve found the “delivery end” of it just ain’t worth it unless you are doing 5+ face at a time ... Even if I charge $95 delivered , say 15min load/unload + time there and back / wear and tear in vehicle what am making on one face 15/hr ? F that noise ... Then ya get these “I ran out” calls in late Jan/Feb ... Frankies’ days of sledgehammering frozen wood , dealing with snow / cold and wind are long the over with unless it’s for a good friend ... my 2c