Why SRT?

some SRT today, then drt followed by a spike climb....I like to diversify ya know.:D
If you meet up with him, he will surely give you a chance to give it a shot:) Tom is a great guy and will not miss an opportunity to teach and share knowledge.

I'm not sure about SRT for working in a tree, but for ascention, it can't be beat. You'd have to be a GREAT footlocker to beat even a novice with a frogwalker system.......

I've met Tom a few times, I'm sure if I asked him and there was time he'd be happy to let me demo the uni.

I'm not trying to match footlocking against SRT. I've frogged... a lot. I still prefer footlocking for anything under 60' or 70'. Mainly because when I'm up I tuck my ascenders on to the back of my harness and don't notice them again till I get down... if I use a prusik I just toss it.
A Pantin usually just pisses me off, my fault I'm sure but I've worked with it and taken plenty of advice... it still comes off the rope at the wrong time or gets in my way when I step through a crotch. Never mind a chest harness and Croll plus the extra rope for the DdRT switch. I just don't like wearing and carrying lots of stuff.

I can set a doubled rope, clip on my ascenders and back'em up a lot faster than I can set a rope, tie it off, put on the Pantin, put on the harness and Croll and hang another ascender and foot loop... especially since I have more acceptable crotches to choose from. I don't footlock particularly fast cuz I rest every 25' or so.

Like most folks are saying... SRT is a great tool to have in the bag but it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread. It needs development and people like Tom are doing that; I'm still waiting. :)

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:O That might be a touch faster'n friggin' froggin'... it is a lot crap to wear in the tree though.:D
I use a frog type system only to go long ascents. When I get up into the canopy, I take that junk (sorry high quality tree gear) off as soon as I can and then resume my climb.
I'll be at the PNW conference in Boise in Sept to do a couple of talks. One on SRT...the Uni will be available for test drives.

Anytime that I go to a tree event I have the Unicender with me.

There's no more jingle in my SRT system than anything but the most basic DdRT system. At it's most basic all I have is a rope, sling and biner for belay at the ground [this could be eliminated too], Unicender with the tether that Rich Hattier and I have fine tuned. That's all...footlock if you choose or add layers for an easier climb. Foot ascender then a sling for the other to make a Tree Frog system.

My brother climbs almost everyday. He ONLY uses SRT. There are other climbers who only use SRT too. Just because you've never seen the North Pole doesn't mean that it doesn't exist :)
North Pole? What is this nonsense you speak of?

I'll see you in September I guess and you can try to persuade me. In Boise though, my everyday rope is 80'. I am thinking that I could use SRT occasionally but it would be overkill to use it everyday.

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

All I do is bring a new dish to the pot luck. I never force anyone to take anything that I bring. Bring an open mind and be ready to reconsider tree climbing systems.
The North pole exists but it keeps moving.
Darin, Be advised that Tom is found of beer-So far as I know he does not drink to excess but he delights in microbrews. If you can locate a local source for some particularly vile , dark amber horse piss you will make Tom's day.
Pale Ale is run of the mill stuff. I think he means something like this:

Red Rocket Ale - The brew of choice for mountain bikers, and adventurous types worldwide. (Are you excited now!) This fiery red ale is not for the weak at heart. It originally started out as a Scottish red ale but has taken on flavors of its own. This is a very complex recipe using five different grains to achieve its unique flavor. The caramel malt used is a mixture of Belgian Caravienne and Hugh Bairds Crystal malts. Red Rocket is a full bodied, hoppy brew which finishes on the pallet with caramel malts. Centennial and Cascade hops are used for bittering and aroma.2004 L.A. Commercial Brewing Competition, Gold Medal Winner; 2004 West Coast Commercial Brewers Competition, First Place; 2003 California State Fair, Gold MedalWinner; 2002 California State Fair, Silver Medal Winner; 2001 California State Fair Gold Medal Winner; 2001 Real Ale Festival, Chicago, Bronze Medal Winner; 2000 California State Fair, Bronze Medal Winner; 1999 Great American Beer Festival, Silver Medal Winner; 1998 Great American Beer Festival, Silver Medal Winner - og 1.067, ABV 6.8%, IBU 65+.


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It is just 'o.k.', but the beer is good. I don't go there for the food.
I'm liking srt for conifer removals. I just did a decent pine the other day with a little up and down and srt'd all the way, spikes though. Haven't done much dedicated srt on limbwalky trees as yet, because....well....we don't do too many limbwalky trees. I miss climbing, I think 2011 is gonna be my first comp year, so Imma gonna have to get back into climbing shape.
Ok Seriously..

SRT is awesome for entry.. Quick... Actually simple set up once dialed in for the specific climber using it.. Repeatedly.
Higher the better. Efficient.
In conifer dead wood/prunes it rocks.
Stig pretty much has the scenario with harvesting cones.. Get on up after setting your line... Set your fig 8 and get to work. Set your lanyard/flip line as go go.. geter done.
I will not Ddrt off my SRT.. Just cause if I am working the full canopy, I will ascend SRT and just set my Ddrt off a FS R2R set up and get to friggen work .. Less gear. All I do is drop one handled ascender with the foot loop and get on with my day. Easy Peasy.
Everything else in an SRT set up you will use in Ddrt save for the handled ascender and foot loop. Sometimes I will go ahead and set my FS from the ground with the BS and SRT up. Have my groundy take me off belay.. All set for Ddrt. NP. Pull up my saw with the leg that was belayed, tie off to my 2nd biner on the HC pulley as the working end of the system.. Off to work I go.
I did play around in a tree with Tom's unicender when he came to Boise. Its a neat device but I did not care for working in a tree with a handsaw around such an extremely taught line(I'm heavyish). I really like the little Ddrt thingy that he had attached to the Unicender for smaller adjustments. I know that is a horrible description but I'd be hard pressed to describe the thing.