What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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That's awesome Craig. I am officially jealous.

Weather here this summer has been great, staying between 87 and 97 for most of the summer. I think its supposed to be a hundred tomorrow but I am skeptical.
Same here Darin. Much as I will complain about the heat, we really have had a mild summer thus far. Guess the triple digits are on their way here as well. Yeah! Just in time for fair weekend :lol:
Plenty worried about flooding from Irene - the eye is expected to go up the Ct. River Valley (plus or minus 20 miles from my place in the northeasternmost part of Vermont). Then there are the many hundreds of potential projectiles (translated "potted plants on benches") to be put somedamnwhere. My list is already 38 separate items long and growing. Oh yeah, we have to do client work tomorrow AND haul firewood (while it's still dry) before the storm. Seems like hurricane prep was easier when I lived in a place that expected them.
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We are having thunderstorms and warnings of possible fires from strikes. We have a fire real close to the house here.. Wind from the storm took out a power pole and started a fire. Tomorrow is supposed to be like this as well.
Just sitting tight to see how it pans out. We ain't going no where except for off line if we lose power. This has been mostly dry lightening or so little rain.. well you my saying on that one ....

I am sure a couple neighbors have that covered.. Kind of busy in the next ridge over from us and over the house. Fire crews are speeding by. Looks like they have made some fast progress.
It is right behind a couple customers houses just over the ridge. We can about wave at each other with binocs.


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Fall's in the air! I'll be doing some treework toot sweet, I imagine.

I'm ready. I've only been in a tree once since my sabbatical.
Been just beautiful here all week. 70s in day and 50/60 at night. My favorite season is definitely in the air.
pretty pleasant around here all the last two weeks and forecast the next week as well. 25-28C highs with 12-14C lows overnight, barely a cloud in the sky, July came 2 months late for us! :)
We are just starting to get our breezes in the afternoons from thunderstorms collapsing in the higher elevations. Makes tree work so much cooler toward the end of the day. I also like this time of the year because I do more pruning :)
pretty pleasant around here all the last two weeks and forecast the next week as well. 25-28C highs with 12-14C lows overnight, barely a cloud in the sky, July came 2 months late for us! :)

Same here Paul. I am thankful for the late summer we are getting!
It's been a bit nippy here as a result of the weather disturbance caused by the eastern seaboard hurricanes .Cold enough to turn the geothermal from cooling mode to heating mode .

Some of the maples are turning colors .They turn before a frost and are probabley the most vivid with their colors .
Thunderstorms have been making their way down the mountains a little further each day.. Yesterday, one just skirted by us by a mile and drenched everything South of us. I wish I could have got a picture of the double rainbow that followed it. Today we got a drenching. Right after I descended out of that pine, it started.. got rained on a bit as I was stacking the brush. I no sooner got in the house and started dinner... whooosh... Still raining ...
The T Storms started up in the high country and built up the humidity, then Yosemite Valley, more humidity, then finally we get them. Pretty typical old school weather for up here in September.
A bit of a storm here yesterday as well.

I haven't been game to comment on the weather lately it's been a good winter and spring was early. It's been perfect working weather and things have been busy.

Got to mid 80's on Friday, then a change. Rained for about 24 hours and got cold, now I've got the fire going. Should warm up again tomorrow.8)
It poured rain yesterday there is about four inches in the back of my dump truck and we also had about a 1/4" of hail on the ground now it is partly cloudy and chilly. Ah, the joys of fall.
Feels like it might even be a cooler day here today... We are kind of having a late arrival of summer. A day or two at 100 and dang close to it. Mid 90s other days... Supposed to start cooling off now.