What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Yeah, Willard, cool post!

100 degrees, heat index 110, hey MB, now I know why you climb with a towel!! Stinging sweat in the eyes every few minutes is a pita!! I tried and ruled out wearing shorts at work years ago but Ima bout to give it another try...
Doing a job last friday in a neighboring town I didn't bother to put the safety chaps on for cutting up a small tree because of the heat.
Just so happens the government workplace safety officer lives across the street. By the time he got his uniform, helmet on and drove his truck up alongside me , I had the saw put away. Totalily caught me off guard. He was gonna put a work stoppage on my operation for 3 days but declined to do the paperwork because he was too busy.
I got off with a warning but have to meet with him today for a lecture:?
I just got off the phone with him. In a few minutes I have to answer his e-mail he sent me [we're not meeting in person now, doing by e-mail & fax] I'm losing a whole morning off work here with this issue, but I must say he's doing his job and he is good at it.
99% percent of the time I wear chaps or safety pants and feel naked running a saw without them, plus this is my 1st run in with a safety officer ever.
Funny thing moments before he saw me on that job my old logging superintendent was standing there with his grandkids watching me cut. Seeing him watch me with no leg protection I was thinking strongly "I should have my chaps on". He leaves then the safety officer shows up , was it karma or was I possibly turned in?
Will report in a bit.:what:
Well appears I have had a strong warning and had the whole last weekend to think about it. He just told me he is sending me some paperwork in the mail and I have to drop it off or fax it too him, then case is done .
This guys looks and talks just like a young Dan Aykroyd. Anybody up to watching Ghost Busters?:lol:
Not wearing chaps or saw pants makes no sense. Although we all have made that stupid decision for one or two quick cuts...just like Willard. But it only takes a millisecond for things to go badly.

One extremely valuable point in this vid is the differences in performance between older technology products and state of the art. Just saying...

Take a look, it's graphic, but not really...Darin, you ought to be able to handle a saw cut to a ham, right? ;) I've been showing this in my S-212 classes for a few years now.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pilcLXpdJK0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If I lived in an area with permanently mild weather like Burnham then I might wear chaps. But I live in Florida where it's over 90 degrees every single day for five months straight. And as a self employed sole proprietor I can tell the OSHA dude to go screw himself if he ever tries to bully me on my jobsite.

In 25 years cutting trees I have only seen maybe 3 people wearing chaps while cutting here in Florida. Most recently was on a right of way clearance job for the power company and State highway department. Some of the guys I work for show up wearing shorts every day on the job. I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is. I have never owned a pair of chaps and after trying some on (once) I never plan on ever buying any. But good on you guys who want to wear them.
This afternoon I did some aerial removal with flipline and my chaps under my saddle. A little warm but movement was OK and the extra padding was alot easier on the shins from my spur wraps. This is what I'll do from now on doing climbing and ground saw work for now on. First time I used chaps up in the air but I'm not gonna risk another violation.
I was told in Ontario the safety officiers pass out fines like speeding tickets.
That's a great video. Since I started working at Wesspur 8 years ago, I have talked to lots of people who were asking for chainsaw chaps, many of whom were just getting back to work after a saw injury. The thing that struck me the most was how much experience most of those people had. I would say about 1/2 were newbies with very little experience, but the other half were all grizzled veterans who had been doing this for 20+ years without a mishap.

Granted I live in Washington state where is just doesn't get very hot, but after seeing so many people legs with 30-80 stitches in them, I've decided that I'm gonna wear chaps every time I start up the saw. The only place I don't bother with them is while climbing, in which case the regs don't require it because you're so statistically unlikely to cut yourself in the leg while climbing.
Yes good video Burnham, makes a fellow think. Especially how fast a strong fast saw with a very sharp chain can do to a 6 inch diameter log , so quickly like cutting butter. Chaps won't prevent injury but at least your leg is not laying on the ground.
I dunno, Brian...I've worn them all day long in 90+ degree weather, which it does get to often enough here every summer, just not as long a stretch of time as you have to live with. They are warm, agreed, but I can't see doing it any other way.

I actually think saw pants are cooler than chaps, especially if you wear them with suspenders, no belt, and fit them with a slightly loose waist.
I'm only posting this because I think it's Johnny Winter. In Kevlar, this type would be cooler. I'll leave the back to your imagination.


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Evidently a storm came through last night and wiped out power to 7,000 in the area. Flood warnings in several surrounding counties.

Electric is still on here and I don't think we got more than a small sprinkle of rain. Must have went right around us.