What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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lucky mofo...

sunny here too....surfed the earth here.....4 mile downhill
It's kind of cold here in the morning. 46 right now and a little fog. Just a few little wispy clouds in the sky. Supposed to be 68 this afternoon. Deva, you better head down to Skwerl's territory for some work now.
The weather has been mild for the last couple of days. In the 60's yesterday, nice even if it was raining. I've got the window open now listening to the rain. Very relaxing.:) Going to be in the 30's daytime and teens nights later in the week. At least the mud will be frozen.
At least the rain finally stopped here... now maybe I can get something done.

Wind last night was absolutely wicked!
No but luckily(I guess) the treework keeps dribbling in. Love working in the rain at near freezing temperatures, love it.:|:
It was almost 70 in a few spots on Friday and Saturday, uh not anymore. The high was 51 at 4am. It's in the 20's and falling. Forecast for a high of 32 by Wednesday.
It's down into the upper 30's here this morning. Will warm up to near 70 today and the rest of the week. I LOVE this time of year in Florida! 8)
On the bright side, all I have today is a quick bucket take-down. Take-down only... leave everything. Then go do some quotes.
Nice up here and been in the high 70s in the afternoon, just a lil chilly in the AM. Warm for this time of the year. Supposed to be in the 80s today and 50s tonight.