Monday last week, we got a storm. Not a major one, just serious, and as the job was shedulled since a while, I agreed to still give it a try.
First, prunning a cedrus growing over the sidewalk, lines and neighbor. Getting at the top, it was a bit unstable but still doable. When I reached the prunning site of the first upper limb, secondary tied on a not too big wood, the shaking increased noticeabily. I made some cuts, but I became quickly like sea-ill. Puking in the tree wasn't very appelling, so I went down and left it for an other quieter day.
Second task, dead wooding, prunning and getting ride of 5-6 caterpilars nests in a young pine. Less tall and way less wide than the cedrus, so why not try that instead.
Dead wood first, easy and still doable despite the wind. I went through 3/4 of it. But the wind increased progressively and added a chilling small rain to the fun. The temp was barely above the freezing point and the hands weren't happy at all in the glacial wet gloves. So when my chainsaw finaly dried its gas tank, I decided that it should be wise to end the experiment.
I could have finished at least the deadwooding and perhaps the prunning in the pine, but no way I can harvest the caterpilar nests with the pole prunner in such wind. Beside, seeing the cedrus ploying under the wind bursts, I was glad that I left it. My groundy looked as miserable as me and we gladly quit at 11 am.
The foreman was a bit woried about us, as he had already ended the day for all the landscaping crews.
The next day, still chilling, but no more wind. What a relief!
Oh! and the 5-6 caterpilar nests turned to be 35 !