What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Had a guy come out and spray for hoppers.

He said he had been seeing some damage.

Asked if he had seen 50 to 100 feet of crop gone on the edges of the fields.

Uhhh....no. He hadn't.

We hated to spray....knowing it wasn't really gonna stop them.

Especially on account of the beneficial bugs. We called and had the bee man come get his bees though.

The bees are hungry too.

Cooled off a good bit from earlier this week, but it was still humid(More than image above), and I got dumped on at work. Air should be drying out, and it's looking like a decent weekend.
Off and on rain showers all day today. Had a rental Nifty TD34 so we just muddled through soaking wet until the job was done. With about an hour left to go, the track drive malfunctioned; would only go in one direction. The wrong direction, of course. Called Rentalex and they were like, "Yeah, that happens sometimes. Try twisting the cable on the back of the control box." Sure enough, that "fixed" it.
Fantastic morning. Clear and cool. Went out and picked some wineberries for a yogurt and muesli breakfast.

Supposed to get to 86° today. It'll be hot again this week(just in time for work!), but it was a really nice weekend. Unseasonably cool for MD, but I'll take it.
Nice and awful, just the way I hate it...


It would have been nicer if it were really what that pic says. It was 100° actual temp where I was working today, so assuming the rest is right, that gives 119° heat index. Summer eats shit...
Thanks! Phone camera photo,nothing done to it, just the light was perfect.
Looking west across the Maquarie River at Ross, in the Northern Midlands.
That's a new one to me...

The Mormon cricket exists in populations of relatively low density throughout most of its range. At certain times and places, however, population explosions or infestations occur in which large numbers of the crickets form roving bands. These bands may include millions of individuals and be found with densities of up to 100 individuals per square meter. These infestations may last years or even decades, and are characterized by a gradual increase and then decrease in population. The factors that trigger these infestations are poorly understood, but are thought to be weather-related.

Research published in 2006 shows that Mormon crickets move in these migratory bands, firstly to find new sources of the critical nutrients of protein and salt, and secondly to avoid being eaten by hungry crickets approaching from the rear. The Mormon cricket's cannibalistic behavior may lead to swarm behavior because crickets may need to move constantly forward to avoid attacks from behind.[3][4]

When a large band crosses a road, it can create a safety hazard by causing distracted revulsion on the part of the driver, and by causing the road surface to become slick with crushed crickets. The crickets also can cause devastation to agriculture.[1]

Does it look like a swarm might start, or is it a routine number of bugs?
So is big jim being sarcastic or do mormon crickets eat grasshoppers
Geeze Jim, you are doing it tough right now, sorry to hear, hope something breaks good for you soon.