What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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When I had a lawn service I had great equipment & moved tons of leaves.
Use to run a 16hp blower on the front of my zero turn mower (which also had a hell of a vac unit), and had a 18hp tailgate vac/reducer rigged on the truck (blow in & blow out). I remember many fall nights finishing up around 11pm or so.
Sold it all but a backpack blower...wasn't worth having if it wasn't making money...
biggest help I could have here is a leaf plow on a small tractor...
@stevemack how are you situated... catastrophic fire danger Tuesday, hope you are going to be ok mate.

We had bushfires burning here in Tassie last week...this week it's snowing again in the highlands, someone forgot to tell the weather it's supposed to be summer.
I'm ok, I put a lot of thought into moving here. Floods can't get me and if fires do we're all stuffed.

Pretty smokey this morning from the coast fires but a bit of wind from the west this afternoon so it's gone now, so it'll be dust again tomorrow.

The Bees Nest fire near Ebor/Dorrigo has been burning since September, it's massive. Ebor is about an hour north and the fire is going mostly north, it's at the Gibraltar Range now. If you could drive around it it'd take 6 hours or more, about the same as driving to Sydney.
Yep, metal roof Butch.

Thanks Stephen, not affected here except for a bit of smoke. But fairly strong westerly today so it's all gone, they reckon it's covering part of New Zealand now. There's a bunch of fire fighters coming over from there and another lot from Tasmania on their way.

Highway to Sydney is closed in a couple of places and going north just got closed again.

Here's a poem Bermy might like, he sort of stole it from Dorothea Mackellar's My Country but it sort of fits the present times.

I love a Sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains.
But I’ve gotta tell ya mate, I like it better when it rains.
The countryside is dying and there’s just no end in sight, and just to rub salt in the wounds, the bush has caught alight.
The landscape is on fire from Brisbane to the Gong
And everybody’s asking “where the hell did we go wrong?
But we can get through this one if we help each other out, take care of your neighbour , that’s what Aussies are about.
The rain is going to fall again , the good times will return. But living in Australia means at times it’s going to burn.
So if you need a helping hand, just give a mate a call. We’re all here to help you out and catch you when you fall.
The RFS, the SES, the Firies, and police, all put their lives upon the line to help to keep the peace.
So hats off to these heroes and thanks for all you do
And I hope when this is over we can make it up to you!

Troy Gerdes.
Rain today, and temps are dropping. Might get snowflakes later. Took the day off work. I'd like to have a fire, but it's still kinda warm in the house(57°). Maybe I'll light one around noon, and pour a glass of Ardbeg. That goes well with cool wet weather :^)

Fire's lit, but apparently someone(couldn't have been me! :^P ) drank all the Ardbeg, so I poured some Laphroaig. Just as good :^)
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Dry today and tomorrow, after rain yesterday morning...yay AlturnaMats! I had exactly enough to get the chipper and chip truck right where it's needed, at the immediately edge of the dropzone...
Saving a 50' drag.
Having an all steel chipper without hoses and sensors let's me high-5 the
chipper a little, if needed/accidentally from parking so closely... Just a bit of plywood over the controls.

AlturnaMats are saving a whole groundie-worth of work.

Anyone else have downspout extensions made of drain- pipe? It can help on certain jobs.

My first year in Olympia, I saw where the downspout emptied next to the foundation, onto 4-6 inches of topsoil, on top of sheet plastic, so it waterlogged. As the ground sloped away from the foundation, the bucket truck slid sideways, tagging a tree, rounding the corner.

A bit of collected rainfall would have sunk me without plastic mats, literally.

I'll be putting the drain pipe on my bid mental-checklist... 'tis the season.
Hottest ever day recorded in Western Sydney on Jan 4th, 122F. Where I stay when there was that on the back porch at 2pm, 93F here.

Been around 90 most of this week, which is above normal. Bloody freezing tonight, 44. When I dig out some blankets I'm going to bed.
It's awful here. It was 62° yesterday, and projected to be 65° today. I have the back door open letting air in. Looks like I'm gonna get cheated out of winter yet again...
65° yesterday and today here in the Armpit of America. Hope it stays up in that neighborhood for the rest of the week, as I've got a bunch of tall, spindly dead ash I have to climb and rig out, and don't need freezing temps to go with the winds in those yards....
Slushy snow all day, little accumulation. Forecast for cooler temps over the next week with some foot or more snow that should stay.
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10 layers on the torso today and 3 on the legs. I was thoroughly ready for the weather after getting a bit frozen/schooled last friday by the low temps and wind