What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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We got our Blizzard last night - not to rough maybe a foot of snow some nice drifts - spent a couple hours pushing it out of our way
we had 6 inches of heavy wet snow last week, trees broke every where. it rained off and is supposed to snow agan in ashland tonight, thats gonna be a pain since ive got a pile of brush on the ground
Ain't it cool? Chance for hail and tornadoes tonight tomorrow am, then possibly snow tomorrow night? Been in the 60's here too! Look out Jeff and Dave, this is coming you're way soon!
I think that stuff fritterd out before it come this far. High 50s here today.
On and off heavy showers all day long today. There's nothing like having a stream of water running down your rope right into your lap. On the bright side the rain did kind of dilute the copious amounts of banyan sap that I was getting covered in.
Hell of a storm last night, ya got the boat ready Riverrat? High winds ,hail, twisters, flooded roads.
I got a little tipsy and slept through most of it. Ah hell is got drunk and I missed it. Cool here this morning the high expected to be about +37F. Windy as hell even heard them issue a high profile vechile wind advisory. Buckle up bone head it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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See Ya
High 70s I think for yesterday with hail & tornados. Wake up this morning to snow & 30 degree temps. My phone has been ringing:)
We are having a real snow storm today. Suppose to have more tomorrow, with winds to 40 mph+. That will make things interesting. Will try to attach a photo from yesterday.
Rain, rain, and more rain. BUT....I found a gallon ziplock bag with some VERY light...'paper weight'...rainpants in a gallon ziplock in the locker. I need to remember where I got those...they were wonderful!!

It's warm....around 50*F.....so it's all sloppy and slimey out there.

Bob, I'm exhausted, slopping around in the mud, checking out the fields on foot (on boot?), feeding out only enough hay to keep em going for a bit, my shoulders/chest are soaked from where the rain came in my neckline....BUT....after looking at what it's like where you are......THIS IS OK!!!!!
Update windy and now it is snowing WTF? I love this midwest weather just wait it will change in a few.
See Ya
It can't make it's mind up if it want's to snow or not. We'll get an inch... then it will rain, or the sun will come out and melt it all away. Then it will snow another inch.... the cycle continues. It's 34F and lightly snowing right now.

It can't make it's mind up if it want's to snow or not. We'll get an inch... then it will rain, or the sun will come out and melt it all away. Then it will snow another inch.... the cycle continues. It's 34F and lightly snowing right now.


Just like what I'm getting Gary. I'm done with winter had it.
Yeah, we're done with winter here as well. Had the AC running for 3 days now. Was 86 today and the house gets too hot in the evenings if I don't keep the AC on. Still comfortable though, it won't get miserably hot until July.
Record breaking temps here today, it hit 90. Felt good to be out on the boat, will be swimming soon as the water hits 80!
Still hovering in the twentys.I just started on my third cord of wood for the heating season.The wind was what the problem was today,cold old hawk .