What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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I had a coal burner in my cabin in N. California. I went to sleep one night with the damper closed down too much. I woke up some hours later to half way to hell. i think I was lucky to wake up.
I guess I take a jaundiced eye toward global warming/ climate change. . There used to be a forest of palm trees on the north slope. We had mastadons running around. They dn't eat lichen and willow brush.
And then we have the HAARP. Why doesn't anyone blame them for all these climate changes?????
At present: horribly clear, warm and dry. This drought is going to be the mother of all. It's scary. Private wells are drying up and municipal reservoirs are turning into the dry lands they once were.

On the brighter side you might think this current drought would set a precedent on future urban development in this state. I say this because 10 years ago there was a plan in the works north of Ft. Bragg to develop a multi residential community. In a time when water was still plentiful that project got shut down because the city planers said future water would be too tight to sustain it. It pissed off the developers and their supporters, but the locals reveled in the victory. I don't care much for what the city planners do in their close sessions, but they called the right shot on that one.
There are a bunch of the weather changing installations scattered around. The HAARP is the one close to me. But. Since nothing happens in a vacume ie of and by itself, if they change the weather up here what does that do to the weather somewhere else.
How come Al Gore and the U.N
Aren't rootin an bellerin about that??????????????
25 degees .Just started spitting snow .Light snow last night .Fox tracks around the house evidently looking for a nice fat mouse to dine on for his breakfast .
It is a little cooler this morning than yesterday. Of course yesterday we were in Tucson, where it had been in the mid 70's all week. Really hard to take.
We're mired in a unnatural fog!
Teens today and the next couple days and night, then down to 0 or a little below for overnight lows.

So between the ice storm then 15" of snow followed by 3/4" of rain and now cold, this is just a ice rink.
Just got back Friday from a week south of Tucson. Had to put up with that boring sunny, 75 degree weather for the whole week. It must be awful boring to live down there all the time. At least it did not snow on us as it did last year when we visited Tucson. I might be tempted to go back again next winter, just to see if it is always so "nasty". High tomorrow a nice normal below zero.