You guys need the TechMasters exhaust trigger valve IMO.
Brilliant bit of pneumatic engineering.
Think of a ball bearing trapped inside a sliding piston valve. Apply pressure to the fill stem and it channels air to the bearing piston's right side, causing it to slam the piston to the left, blocking the barrel chamber, and opening the tank feed line till desired psi's reached.
Simply squeezing the exhaust valve, channels tank pressure to the left side of the bearing in the piston, causing to slam the piston right, opening the barrel to direct tank pressure quite suddenly, until filling again on the stem side reverses piston travel again. The bearing only travels about half an inch inside the piston valve. Works on the inertia principle, making a distinct popping sound as it slides into place, both filling and firing it.
If Bonner hadn't talked smack about me?
I'd send it to him to copy at no charge!
Karma bites again!