Dave Shepard
Square peg, round world.
I knew I should have upped Skwerl by five bucks last night, just so I could say I bid.

Pace yourselves guys the 31st is a long way off. Put this thread in the back your mind and possibly forget you were even bidding. This not the book you are looking for ,said in my best ObiWon.
Says the guy who just upped the bid by $50.
I did notice the tokens,is that Klamath falls?(the east side of town,also a golf course?)Good eye, Sam. We bought it from a local craftsman. In the pic you are looking at it at an angle. If you look at it straight-on it's like looking into a vortex. Did you also notice the 2 drink tokens from the Country Club in Klamath?
Available used...$260-630, and not autographed.
Not to suggest that people buy the Amazon one