Woods walker
If a sawyer fells several dozen trees a day, if they are worth anything in the talent department, they will soon get to where it is seldom that their cuts don't match up...if they give a fig about doing so. And any sawyer worth the name does care about accurate felling cuts.
The rest of us just have to correct things occasionally. The more important thing is knowing that the face needs to be done right (and what "right" means), and fixing a miss before proceeding.
I fear Stig would have a stroke if he had to watch me cut for long ...I'm not perfect out of the gate every single time, that's for sure. I'm good, but perfection is beyond me, as my work has me felling the number of hazard trees in a year that Stig, or any full time logger, does in a few days or weeks.
That little bit of cleaning up the face that started the fracus seems to be awfully minor to be critical of, to me...not enough to call into question the skills of the cutter.
But that's my opinion, and Stig has the chops, in spades, to have every right to his position, too.
I do know with certainty that looking down on his abilities is quite obviously ignorant, and doing so does not impress this old man.
The rest of us just have to correct things occasionally. The more important thing is knowing that the face needs to be done right (and what "right" means), and fixing a miss before proceeding.
I fear Stig would have a stroke if he had to watch me cut for long ...I'm not perfect out of the gate every single time, that's for sure. I'm good, but perfection is beyond me, as my work has me felling the number of hazard trees in a year that Stig, or any full time logger, does in a few days or weeks.
That little bit of cleaning up the face that started the fracus seems to be awfully minor to be critical of, to me...not enough to call into question the skills of the cutter.
But that's my opinion, and Stig has the chops, in spades, to have every right to his position, too.
I do know with certainty that looking down on his abilities is quite obviously ignorant, and doing so does not impress this old man.