Daniel: PNW guys generally suck at setting lines because this place is generally covered in thigh-deep Salal, Oregon Grape, Fern, Blackberry or even Devil's Club. This place does NOT like beanbags... at all. We definitely could have set lines on this one, but we are generally ill-prepaired, and, at that moment, did not even have one on the truck.

Ohh... The "far too fat of a hinge,".... Our Black Cottonwoods barber chair rather readily... not like our Alders, but still, they can, and ideally, a guy would have cut the head-leaner stem up rather finer than what I had done.
Dude: Quit showin off!!! I've been trying to imbed vids fer like... 5 years now.

Butch: I swear the no chain-brake makes me carefuller.

(I drive better after a coupla drinks, etc.)

Corey: Yeah... Weird thing is... had the centrifugal brake still been operative... Yer guy woulda probly still cut his leg.
Ryan: 1st criterion: You must be too lazy to set a line. 2nd criterion: The tree must be backweighted to the extent that even an extremely shallow facecut can be expected to compound the compression force on the back so much, that even a blunt-wedge will be problematic after a merely bar-deep backcut has been initiated. In my area, we've all been there, and it's no fun... tap, tap, cut, cut, tickle, tap, wedge yer saw into the tree, back the wedge out with the axe, nibble, tickle, tap till you're cut-up, and finally bang it over. Ya look like an idiot, and it took forever. HOWEVER!! The back cut first, has it's NUMEROUS and notorious pitfalls, and a guy should practice in a non-smashable area.