Tree felling vids

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reddog
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Plotting bang for buck, lunacy per second, that tree vid could have rocketed to #1 all time.


I guess he was just prudent enough to perfectly secure himself between his two tie-in points. Beranek always emphasized the prudence of wrapping up the running end of your climb line, and keeping it on your saddle for the extreme, scary stuff. Betcha that's what he did. My hat's off fer shure.
Wow! That was others have said, good thing the top didn't hit his tie ins...the plan worked.
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Lots of low cuts on these trees... one high one to shorten the fall and a bunch were above the flare, just not much above ...
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vid recommends making hinge width 5% of diameter on anything over 25".... never heard of that before.. any one know where that came from?
Amazing that given an almost 340 degree of free land to fall it on, she managed to hit the sole obstacle.

But then I did know an old but not very good faller, who managed to hang the second last doug fir in a clear cut up in the last one.

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Now, that sure was a surprice!

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This guy knows what he is up against and handles it well.

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I didn't like to see him standing behind it when releasing
No, but apart from that.
I would have like to see the face cut.
Just to see if a deeper one might have made a difference.
He thought it was going over...the kerf opened a smidge, you can see. So he beat feet knowing it was a lousy tree. I've had exactly the same thing happen. It sucks to have to creep back in and nip a tiny bit more :).

Long bar, stay way back, my advice if it happens that way to you some day.
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It came with this explanation...the way they used it is strange to me...not how I have seen it in videos before.

The Key Notch

The key notch, while gear and set-up intensive, is very useful when dealing with big wood under a lot of pressure. In short, a key or tongue is formed between the two sections of the tree or piece. This key keeps it stable though it is completely severed. The key can then be pulled apart from a safe distance through the use of a winch or mechanical advantage.
- Michael Tain, North American Training Solutions