At the top it will make it tougher but the bottom should be addressed because thats usually where it comes appart.
I was first thinking of the 2nd bag pic with tappered ends.
As far as the bottom goes, what if it was sewn closed and THEN turn the tube inside out to help protect the bottom stitching?
You could also run a 2nd stich row on the bottom above the first so if one row fails, you still have a back up row that will keep the shot from falling out!
I had an idea for the web peice that forms a loop for the ring...
What about running this loop webbing through the bag and have it sewn (conected) to the bottom. It will already be folded but only half way so one end is in the middle of the bag sewn to itself forming a loop at top and the other end is sewn (attached) to the bottom.
This way, if & when it gets stuck, your not only pulling the bag at the ring thats sewn to the top...your ALSO pulling the bag from the bottom as well!
It will creat a much stronger bag (top & bottom). While pulling hard, likely the only thing that will break will be your line!
Your thoughts,