gf beranek
Old Schooler
do it for the team
RIP Marvellous Marvin.
hearns tweeted that Hagler went to the hospital after having a bad reaction to the covid vaxxine. The media immediately went into white wash mode. I looked up more than ten articles, none of which said which vaxx he took or when he got it.
If you know how to read between the lines, its obvious that he was vaxxinated or they would have said he wasn't. And it was too close to his death to look anything but suspicious
As mentioned.. I searched over 10 articles trying to find information on the details of Hagler's death. He died "unexpectedly" at 66. NO cause of death has been determined by a coroner or reported by a doctor. His wife said he died of "natural causes". Tommy Hearns tweets asking for prayers saying Hagler had a bad reaction to the vax.![]()
Anti-vaxxers try to hijack death of boxing legend Marvin Hagler, falsely claiming he died from vaccine side-effects
Marvelous Marvin’s family say he died of natural
common sense indicates that either Hearns was lying before Hagler died, or his wife is lying after he died. Why would Hearns lie? I can't think of a good reason. Whereas I can think of a lot of reasons why the wife would.
It's unbelievable.... they are so easily manipulated by the media... The propaganda machine is finely tuned.. just say weapons of mass destruction 15 million times and the flag-waving starts. Next thing you know 600,000 innocent civilians are dead and the country spent 2.4 trillion dollars on a pre-emptive war based on falsified intelligence, and there are still those who think Bush was the best president in history. You sheep are so easily manipulated and don't learn a thing from your mistakes. PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!I find it baffling that millions of people are eagerly lining up to be happily injected with an unapproved, barely tested, relatively new technology in order to "possibly" prevent an ailment with a 99.75% survival rate.
It's unbelievable.... they are so easily manipulated by the media... The propaganda machine is finely tuned.. just say weapons of mass destruction 15 million times and the flag-waving starts. Next thing you know 600,000 innocent civilians are dead and the country spent 2.4 trillion dollars on a pre-emptive war based on falsified intelligence, and there are still those who think Bush was the best president in history. You sheep are so easily manipulated and don't learn a thing from your mistakes. PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!
Like you Mick.... asking why would the wife lie.... reminds me of all the people that asked why would the US government want to start a war in Iraq... or why would the government want to blow up the world trade center, or Oklahoma City.
He wants peace and knows that saying Hagler dying from the vax would create unrest and upset, but he never takes back the original statement that Hagler was suffering the after effects of the vax."Allow us to have our peace. Our love and respect to Marvin and his family, this is not an anti vaccine campaign... it's outrageous to have that in mind during the passing of a King, Legend, Father, Husband, and so much more. The Marvelous one, Marvin Hagler.